MAC: Mines and Communities


Silver has 406 articles

2021-12-21 Argentina update: Morondanga mining bill only lasted five days
2021-12-12 PNG: Communities file complaint against PanAust
2021-11-23 Peru: Putting Hochschild Mining in its place
2021-08-26 Mexico: Fresnillo's drumbeats of death
2021-08-24 Deep Sea: Readings from the Abyss
2021-08-02 Tokyo 2020: From metals to medals
2021-06-27 India’s Deep Ocean Mission: A race to the bottom
2021-06-15 Umicore pledges to 'green buffer' after lead spike in Hoboken, Belgium
2021-06-12 The dangers of button batteries
2021-05-03 Ross Beaty: Thank you now f*ck off
2021-04-30 Environmental groups urge Mexican Senate to ban mining in protected areas
2021-04-22 'Deeds, not words': Miners reshape boardrooms as investors demand sustainability
2021-03-16 Assemblies kill bill in Patagonia, Argentina
2021-03-15 First Majestic Corp. against the Government of Mexico
2020-12-08 A Pan-American silver play is falling apart in Chubut, Argentina
2020-11-18 Argentine Government Zooms-in on large scale mining
2020-10-23 Silver particles harm fish in Ontario lake, study
2020-10-20 30,000 signatures for the protection of water in Chubut, Argentina
2020-10-19 Mongolia plans river diversion as mining industry sucks Gobi dry
2020-10-16 Securities regulators turning a blind eye to lack of Indigenous consent around Canadian mines
2020-10-04 Mexican farmers shut down Los Filos gold mine
2020-09-29 Patagonia updates: 25,228 and counting
2020-09-29 UN increasingly concerned about mining impacts since the pandemic
2020-01-20 Grasping for gold in the Grampians
2020-01-20 Peru: "New deal" alleged with farming communities
2019-10-07 Mexico: Deadly atrocities alleged against mining resisters
2019-09-20 JPMorgan Chase accused of criminal metals deals
2019-08-02 Ecuador: Azuay province asks court for mining referendum
2019-08-02 Guatemala: Resolution of Tahoe conflict may be close
2018-11-01 Mexico: Waste overflows at Canadian mine threatening dozens of communities
2018-06-13 Guatemala: Over fifty groups protest at US intervention
2018-04-24 Indigenous Xinka march in Guatemala to banish Canadian mine
2018-01-20 Are we all set for "Urban Mining"?
2017-12-29 "If we're attacked, we'll die together", a 16-year-old anti-mining activist told her family
2017-07-22 Renewable energy: built on a Faustian bargain?
2017-05-02 Barrick Confronted by Indigenous Women from Papua New Guinea at Toronto AGM
2017-04-02 PNG: Houses burnt down (again) at Porgera mine
2017-03-31 El Salvador: Legislative Assembly bans all metal mining
2017-03-28 Colombia: Popular vote to ban ‘La Colosa’ gold mining project
2017-03-05 Canada: First Nation environmental review panel nixes proposed Ajax mine
2017-02-25 El Salvador: OceanaGold Must Pay and Pack Up
2017-02-12 Guatemala: Communities demand cancellation of Las Lajitas licence
2016-11-12 Greenpeace tells Samsung: Recover Metals in Recalled Phones!
2016-11-11 Peru: Communities Strike at HudBay Constancia Mine
2016-10-28 Mexico: Tecoltémic community blocks Almaden Minerals concessions
2016-10-18 MiningWatch Canada files charges over Mount Polley waste disaster
2016-10-07 Canadian mining company on trial for slave labour in Eritrea
2016-10-05 Kosovo: What now for Trepca?
2016-09-29 Mexico: Protesters block access to Peñasquito gold mine
2016-09-26 USA: A Wisconsin Tribe's Hallowed Sites at Risk
2016-09-25 Argentina: Jachal residents march to demand closure and remediation of Veladero gold mine
2016-09-23 Colombia: Segovia and Remedios shut down amid dispute with Canadian miner
2016-09-15 Macri and Beaty against the law in Chubut, Argentina
2016-09-06 Is mining in Argentina going Back to the Pact?
2016-08-28 Long-running leak of contaminated water at Mexico's largest gold mine revealed
2016-07-21 Peru Wins Arbitration Dispute Over Doe Run Cleanup
2016-06-13 Activists demand glacier protection in Argentina
2016-05-26 Update on anti-mining laws in Argentina
2016-05-24 IACHR urges Peru to protect the people affected by pollution in La Oroya
2016-04-20 Expert claims Barrick is breaking the law in Argentina
2016-03-31 USA: Mine "fever" may be on the rise, but so is peoples' resistance
2016-03-24 The 13 year anniversary for Esquel referendum, Argentina
2016-03-20 Barrick Gold Fined $9.3 Million for Argentina Cyanide Spill
2016-03-14 Mining layoffs speed up in Argentina
2016-02-24 Is mining up for change in Argentina?
2016-01-04 Philippines: A year of mining dangerously
2015-07-19 Burma: What does "security clearance" mean in practice?
2015-06-04 Urgent Action: Mexico: Mine-related human rights defender face dire threats
2015-02-26 Controversy prompted as polluting Spanish copper mine re-opens
2015-02-07 Re-defining "conflict minerals" - an important new report
2015-01-21 The Moroccan hill-top mining protest few even know about
2014-10-26 Urgent Action: Mexico - Concerns for human rights defenders opposing mining activities in Colima
2014-08-04 Australia: Mine's burning waste rock pile sparks concerns among Aboriginal groups
2014-06-03 Permanent Peoples' Tribunal: Verdict on the Canadian Mining Industry in Latin America
2014-04-30 Guatemala's growing mining sector brings violence against indigenous communities
2014-02-21 Nautilus ends deal with PNG govt
2014-01-28 On a Moroccan Hill, Villagers Make Stand Against a Mine
2013-11-02 Mexico agrees increased mining tax despite company threats
2013-08-14 Mexico: Denver-based mining company retreats from Oaxaca
2013-07-09 Locals Risk Their Lives Fighting Mining in Mexico
2013-07-06 Mexico: Injunction filed to halt illegal exploration drilling in Wirikuta
2013-05-13 South American Silver files proceedings against Bolivia government
2013-05-13 Report Reveals How Canadian Diplomacy Supported Deadly Blackfire Mining Project in Mexico
2013-04-28 Mexican landowners win first step in legal battle to reclaim their lands
2013-04-22 Pope Francis's new chalice: A "redemption" for Pan American Silver?
2013-04-15 Ecuador's president ignores citizen opposition to mining
2013-02-19 Mexico: The Way the Town is Now
2013-02-19 Sudan and Saudi Arabia go ahead with deep-sea mining plans
2013-01-28 Vale and Pan American Silver halt projects in Argentina
2013-01-14 Pakistan voids gold, copper lease held by Barrick consortium
2012-12-17 Guatemala: Attacks proliferate on anti-mining protestors
2012-12-11 Mexico: MiningWatch Canada Visits Demolished Protest Camp near Excellon Resources Mine
2012-12-04 To mine or not to mine - the burning question for Chubut, Argentina
2012-11-27 Mexico: International mission calls for closure of conflict-ridden mine
2012-11-25 Mexico: Canadian mining company "expelled" by landholder group
2012-11-01 Violent destruction of protest camp at Excellon Resources' La Platosa mine
2012-09-24 The Canadian-Chinese cloud with a distinctly silver lining
2012-09-24 Guatemala: Community statement on recent violence at San Rafael Las Flores
2012-09-12 Nationalisation - no help in ending Bolivian mine fight
2012-08-28 Guatemala: Repeated attempts to criminalise human rights defenders
2012-08-21 Excellon Once Again Break Negotiation with Communal Landowners of La Sierrita
2012-08-01 Antamina pipeline rupture affects 52 people in Santa Rosa
2012-07-24 The strange case of a hedge fund and the mining company
2012-07-17 Mexican workers, landowners, get heavy stick from Canadian company
2012-06-12 Canadian mining CEO resigns after attacks
2012-05-15 Mongolia backtracks on state ownership of mining companies
2012-04-18 Guatemala: Local Population Blocks Entrance to Gold & Silver Mine
2012-04-11 Doe Run, déjà vu?
2012-03-20 Mexico: Another opponent of Canadian mining is assassinated
2012-03-14 Moroccans mobilise against monarchy's mine
2012-03-06 In Peru, one of the world's worst polluters is set to reopen
2012-03-06 Gold war in Pakistan highlights investment risks
2012-02-20 Moroccan silver mine hit by local protests
2012-01-31 Mexico: Zapotec Protesters Shot on Behalf of Canadian Mining Company
2012-01-10 Argentina: Governors assume electoral wins give mining companies "social license" to operate
2011-12-27 Doe Run Perú's future looking gloomy, lawyer says
2011-12-12 Authors, Artists, Intellectuals defend Mexico's Huichol people
2011-12-05 Pakistan: Tethyan won't take "no" for an answer
2011-11-21 Baluchistan says "No" to Antofagasta/Barrick
2011-11-08 Wixáritari Indians Fight Mining in Sacred Desert Site, Mexico
2011-10-31 Canadian miner breaks conflict resolution process with Mexican workforce
2011-10-31 Colombia mining projects delayed over environmental issues
2011-10-25 Settling mining damages, the US way
2011-10-25 Protests and blockades at Yanacocha gold mine, Peru
2011-10-18 Baluchistan objects to Antofagasta/Barrick venture
2011-10-10 London Calling examines a "unique" global survey of the rich
2011-09-19 A Canadian mining company prepares to dig up Mexico's Eden
2011-08-01 Another report says Barrick Gold damaged glaciers in Pascua Lama-Veladero
2011-07-04 Women Fight Superstition, Machismo in Mining Cooperatives
2011-07-04 Peru's president-elect vows consultation in bid to end mining conflicts
2011-06-28 Young Bolivians work for one of "world's most dangerous mines"
2011-06-28 Puno mining protest: 6 killed in clashes, Peru
2011-06-20 Settlement for $263 Million in favour of Idaho Tribes after 20 years lawsuit
2011-06-13 Peru Mining Stocks Plunge as Humala Claims Election Victory
2011-06-07 Union organizing undermined by Excellon Resources in Mexico
2011-06-07 Comibol, APM reach settlement over Karachipampa - Bolivia
2011-05-30 17,000 Peruvians protest presence of Canadian mining company
2011-05-24 Canadian companies hammered for abuses in Guatemala and Mexico
2011-05-17 Silver, an Epic Rise and Fall
2011-04-27 Renco files for arbitration against Peru over Andean smelter
2011-02-07 Barrick turns glaciers to dust in Chile
2010-12-27 Colombian state ombudsman opposes Angostura gold project
2010-12-27 Urgent Action: Threats and Harassment to Excellon Resources Workers
2010-12-06 Colombia: Greystar's public hearing goes ahead
2010-11-29 Bolivia says it will stand up to threat of arbitration over stalled metals plant
2010-10-25 Doe Run - Lead Producer to Pay $7M Fine, Spend $65M on Cleanups
2010-10-18 Mexico's Wirikuta People Declare a Defense of their Territory
2010-10-18 Dead:Four miners trapped in a collapsed Ecuador mine
2010-10-10 Bolivian metals plant can't be re-opened, says mining expert
2010-10-10 Union supports Doe Run Peru's restructuring
2010-10-04 Argentinian lawmakers pass glacier protection law
2010-09-27 Mexicans call for cancellation of Canadian mining concessions
2010-08-22 Argentina's Glacier Protection Bill could shut mines
2010-08-22 A Bolivian silver mine protest is called off
2010-08-16 Disputes and roadblocks halt San Cristobal operations in Bolivia's prime mining region
2010-08-08 Peru cancels US mining company's smelter license
2010-08-02 Police forcefully evict peasants in Las Naves, Ecuador
2010-08-02 Bolivian workers take over plant, threatening to unseat Atlas
2010-07-04 Mayor Killed, Priest Beaten in Dispute over Mine in Mexico
2010-06-19 Peruvian workers launch blockade, reject relocation program in La Oroya
2010-06-11 Declaration of the Indigenous Communities of the Central Plateau of Chubut, Argentina
2010-06-11 Greystar says Colombia accepts its gold mine appeal
2010-06-04 Will the World Bank undermine the people of El Salvador in mining dispute?
2010-05-20 Groups urge US Ex-Im Bank not to fund Pascua Lama
2010-05-07 Mining protests overshadow climate summit
2010-05-01 Greystar shares plunge as Colombia requests mine review
2010-04-24 Bolivia: Protest blocks key access to Sumitomo mine
2010-04-08 Child Miners in Bolivia
2010-03-18 Peru: No date set to resume La Oroya smelter as Glencore steps in
2010-03-02 Huascoaltinos claim over Pascua Lama deemed admissible by the Inter-American CHR
2010-02-15 Peru: the mint with a gigantic hole
2010-01-19 Government Study: Pascua Lama Threatens Glaciers
2009-11-30 Argentina ex-minister: "Mining companies threatened me"
2009-11-17 Patagonia: Where silver loses its shine
2009-10-26 Bolivian Government Bars Mining on Peak of Cerro Rico
2009-10-05 Desperate poverty, as riches flow from Bolivia's silver mountain
2009-09-29 Peasants take over Kori Kollo mine, Bolivia
2009-09-29 Peruvian congress grants Doe Run 30-month extension on cleanup deadline
2009-07-27 Anti-Mining Groups Stage 36 Hour Sit-in at Canadian Embassy, Mexico City
2009-07-07 Peru industry body cuts off offending member, Doe Run
2009-07-07 El Salvador Government Looks to Ban Precious-Metals Mining
2009-06-16 El Salvador - Commerce Group to seek CAFTA Arbitration
2009-06-08 Doe Run Peru: The Chronicle of a Death Foretold?
2009-06-08 Exposing Freeport's shame
2009-06-02 Brazil beds down with Africa in ocean minerals' quest
2009-06-02 Mexico's perfect storm - mining, militarization and resistance
2009-05-27 Peru: Doe on the run again
2009-05-18 Barrick at the barricades
2009-05-11 Mexican armed police arrest mine protestors in Oaxaca
2009-05-05 Pascua Lama project moves forward - and so do citizens' groups
2009-04-20 Demonstrators blockaded Canadian miner in Oaxaca
2009-04-14 Doe Run Peru saved from collapse?
2009-03-22 Patagonia: Students, Environmentalists reject mining company "assistance"
2009-03-22 Colombia: No to mining industry in indigenous territories - Muriel Mining Coporation atropella y desconoce autoridades indígenas
2009-02-23 Xstrata Dreaming: The Struggle of Aboriginal Australians against a Swiss Mining Giant
2009-02-23 Peru: Eight miners killed following safety abuses in Casapalca - Las muertes en Casapalca
2009-02-10 Mexico seeks extradition of exiled miners' leader, while communities close mine in Oaxaca - Mexico solicita extradición de sindicalista Urrutia; comunidades clausuran mina en Ocotlán, Oaxaca
2008-12-22 Mexican strike shuts world's top silver pit after "illegal" arrests - Paro en mina de plata más grande luego de detención "ilegal"
2008-12-02 Peru: Policeman killed in protests at Casapalca mine; Huancabamba Authorities criticise Río Blanco EIR - Estalla Casapalca y deja víctima mortal; Autoridades de Huancabamba presentan observaciones a E
2008-11-05 Gold Hawk may yet nose dive
2008-11-05 Bolivia: Mines halted as metal prices plummet - La crisis del zinc paraliza a miles de mineros
2008-09-29 Mining Business, Indigenous Sorrow in the Heart of Patagonia - Negocios Mineros, Pesares Indigenasa
2008-09-22 Blacksmith's report on La Oroya criticised - La verdad del Instituto Blacksmith
2008-09-22 Mexican peasants block Minefinders
2008-09-16 Philippine landslide kills 24 people: was it mining related?
2008-09-02 US NGO refuses to sustain Panamanian mine
2008-08-25 Heavy handling mars Metallica's mettle
2008-08-25 Peru's mining conflicts on the rise - Segundo informe del Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros
2008-08-19 Chilean bishop stands against Pascua Lama - Obispo de Copiapó se manifiestó en contra del proyecto Pascua Lama
2008-08-11 El Salvador citizens March Against Mining Operations - Segunda Caminata Ecuménica Verde por la Vida
2008-07-20 Mexicans say mine will destroy grazing for cattle
2008-07-14 Guatemala: Crackdown on Local Citizens Opposing Goldcorp - Corte de Constitucionalidad resuelve contra Ley de Minería
2008-07-09 Bolivian indigenous communities denounce Manquiri mining before the OPIC - Indígenas denuncian a la empresa Manquiri ante OPIC
2008-07-09 El Salvador - Pacific Rim quits drilling, stock drops - Pacific Rim suspende perforación, bajan acciones
2008-07-09 Peru - Hostage-taking, strikes, clashes and mining companies going into the Amazon
2008-07-01 Peruvian miners ready for nationwide strike
2008-07-01 Argentina: Alexander Mining Suspends Project - Alexander Mining suspende proyecto en Salta
2008-06-24 Chile: Polemic develops over approval of Carén project; Codelco to use "biofuels", Fifth March for Water and Life in Vallenar - Polémica por aprobación de proyecto Carén, Codelco utilizará "biocombus
2008-06-15 Mexico: Mining Spill in Sonora, Campesinos occupy gold mine in Chihuahua - Derrame en mina de Sonora, Toman mina de oro en Chihuahua
2008-04-30 Ecuador: Constitutional mandate freezes mining exploration/Ecuador revoka concesiones
2008-04-13 Barrick Gold faces a barrage of criticism around the world
2008-04-13 Peru: community activists denounced as "terrorists" over Chinese project
2008-03-03 Argentina update
2008-02-19 Argentina province to "limit" mining areas
2008-02-16 Bolivia tailings spill - Reventó ducto de colas de Minera San Cristóbal
2008-02-10 Ecuador: a dialogue for life
2008-02-04 Peru update
2008-01-25 Latin America UpDate
2008-01-18 Latin America update
2008-01-18 China Update
2008-01-04 Latin America update
2007-10-29 Latin America update
2007-09-29 Latin America update
2007-09-22 Latin America update
2007-09-07 Are Canadian Investors Funding Terror Tactics in Ecuador?
2007-09-06 Canadian MP, Alexa McDonough, joins a Development and Peace fact finding mission to Honduras to inv
2007-09-02 Latin America update - Oficialismo planea que Constituyente vete miner­a a cielo abierto en Ecu
2007-09-02 HONDURAS
2007-09-02 Latin America update
2007-08-29 Peruvian Leaders Support $234,000 Fine of Doe Run Peru
2007-08-29 GUATEMALA
2007-08-28 PERU
2007-08-27 Slave labor persists in Amazon charcoal works - ICC
2007-08-24 Police denounce protestors against mining operations
2007-08-23 Monterrico launches 80 mln usd private fund proposal for Rio Blanco communities
2007-08-23 BRAZIL
2007-08-22 ECUADOR
2007-08-14 Mining companies sharpen confrontation in Honduras
2007-07-30 CHILE
2007-07-28 Latin America update
2007-07-28 BRAZIL
2007-07-25 Evidence of Land Trafficking in Intag
2007-07-25 URGENT ACTION APPEAL - From Amnesty International USA
2007-07-24 PANAMA
2007-07-23 Residents of Condorwain Range Demand Withdrawal of Barrick Gold
2007-07-23 ECUADOR
2007-07-22 Informal Miners Using Nazca Lines As Roadways
2007-07-20 Latin America Update - Exigen nueva Ley de Minería para Honduras: enfrentamiento dejó
2007-07-20 Latin America Update
2007-07-20 HONDURAS
2007-07-19 Peru: Interreligious Delegation Reports Environmental Problems to the US
2007-07-19 BOLIVIA
2007-07-19 GUATEMALA
2007-07-18 Protesters say 'Harper go home' on PM's last day in Chile
2007-07-18 Citizens protest the meeting of Canadian Prime Minister and Barrick - Canadian Prime Minister enters
2007-07-17 COLOMBIA
2007-07-16 CHILE
2007-07-16 Ancient petroglyphs and rock art in imminent danger, department of Puno, Peru
2007-07-15 MEXICO
2007-07-15 Corruption allegations dog mining company
2007-07-13 ARGENTINA
2007-07-13 COLOMBIA
2007-07-01 PERU
2007-06-29 Environmental face-off: Catholic Church workers get ammunition for their fight in Latin America
2007-06-28 Congo court clears former Anvil staff of war crimes
2007-06-28 Congo update
2007-06-28 Congo update
2007-06-08 A survey intended to guage opinions on who's mainly responsible for global warming suggests that Chi
2007-06-08 US update
2007-06-08 Most Chinese, Indians Back Carbon Cuts - Survey
2007-06-08 EPA Loses Court Attempt to Weaken Clean Air Rule
2007-06-08 US Update
2007-06-07 States Urge US EPA to Tighten Rules on Coal Plants
2007-06-01 ARGENTINA
2007-06-01 Latin America Update
2007-06-01 Latin America Update
2007-06-01 Two countries, 3 cities take stand Against ASARCO, ASARCO Fights Back
2007-06-01 CHILE
2007-05-29 HONDURAS
2007-05-29 BOLIVIA
2007-05-28 COLOMBIA
2007-05-28 BRAZIL
2007-05-28 Quicksilver Quandary
2007-05-22 ECUADOR
2007-05-18 Ecosystems threatened by deep-sea mining: report
2007-05-15 EL SALVADOR
2007-05-15 PERU
2007-05-12 Latin American update
2007-05-12 Latin America update
2007-05-10 PARAGUAY
2007-05-09 Yanacocha's ore extraction cut in half
2007-05-08 ARGENTINA
2007-05-07 BRAZIL
2007-05-07 Anti-Mining Demonstrators Blockade Peruvian Roads
2007-05-04 Govt: Mining law changes seek to free up land
2007-05-02 COLOMBIA
2007-03-31 Latin America update
2007-02-28 Canada Update
2007-02-28 Canada update
2007-02-24 Huge Open Pit Mine Approved
2007-02-17 Latin American update
2007-02-16 12 environmentally-damaging projects permanently canceled
2007-02-16 China Update
2007-02-16 China update
2007-02-15 600 new mineral deposits found in Tibet Plateau
2007-02-13 China Vows Action on Pollution after Missing Target
2007-02-09 Bolivia's Morales Signs Decree Nationalizing Swiss Tin Smelter
2007-02-08 China to Shut Down Smaller Power Plants; Effects Remain to Be Seen
2007-01-29 Mexico
2006-10-21 The world's worst places
2006-07-11 Latin American Update
2006-07-11 Further Comment To Mac By Alejandro Corboletto, Esquel:
2006-07-11 Latin American Update
2006-07-07 Argentina - Companies Face Mining Ban In Portions Of Chubut
2006-06-28 Latin American Update
2006-06-28 An Article On The Ruling In Lima's Principal Newspaper, El Comercio, Is Included Below. For More Inf
2006-05-25 The imperative to ban seabed mining
2006-05-25 The Imperative To Ban Seabed Mining
2006-05-24 Riches Calling From Deep Under The Ocean
2006-05-14 Nationalisation - threat or promise?
2006-05-14 Nationalisation - Threat Or Promise?
2006-05-04 Latin American Update
2006-05-04 Please write letters to Canadian Foreign Minister, the Honorable Peter MacKay, copied to the Canadia
2006-05-04 Latin American Update
2006-05-02 "Disinvest from Monterrico Metals"
2006-04-28 Urgent Action: Support the Mexican community of Cerro de San Pedro in their struggle against a Cana
2006-04-28 Grave concern about the activities of Canadian mining company Metallica Resources Inc. in Mexico
2006-04-20 Mining Exploration Causing Alarm in Protected Areas of Brazil
2006-04-20 Gold rush in Pará postponed by the government
2006-04-13 Latin American Update
2006-04-13 Latin America Update: Active Civil Resistance in Cerro de San Pedro Against Minera San Xavier
2006-04-08 Latin American Update
2006-04-07 Cinta Larga Indians Acused of Killing Two Diamond Prospectors
2006-04-05 Guatemalan Constitutional Court Upholds Environmental Consults
2006-04-04 Active Civil Resistance in Cerro de San Pedro Against Minera San Xavier
2006-03-26 Latin America Update
2006-03-26 Nicanor Alvarado Carrasco, A Community Leader And Environmental Campaigner,representing Vima Of Peru
2006-03-22 South Korea, China to jointly develop mines in Asia
2006-03-22 China Update
2006-03-22 China Update
2006-03-16 New CLB Research Report on Coal Mine Safety Management in China
2006-02-24 SEPA Releases New Measure on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment Process
2006-01-16 New Mine poses contamination risk
2006-01-11 DENR's 10.7 million peso fine is not enough!
2006-01-11 Mining operations set back, says DENR
2006-01-11 Albay fishermen demand shutdown of mining firm
2006-01-10 Lafayette update
2006-01-10 Aussie firm slapped P10.7M in fines for mine spills
2006-01-10 Lafayette update
2006-01-02 Mayors told: Don't blame Lafayette
2005-12-31 Protestors want Lafayette out of Albay
2005-12-31 Protestors want Lafayette out of Albay
2005-12-29 Most harmful ConCom proposal
2005-12-27 NO to the Navidad Silver-Lead Gold Mine!
2005-12-27 NO to the Navidad Silver-Lead Gold Mine!
2005-12-24 Lafayette backs fish scare probe in Sorsogon (Lafayette)
2005-12-14 Lafayette offer in demand (Lafayette)
2005-11-29 In bed with Placer
2005-11-29 Minerals Group Wins Pioneering Award
2005-11-29 In bed with Placer
2005-11-09 Panama - Renewal Of Mining Activities
2005-10-20 After many years of contamination by mining companies of one of Bolivia's most important rivers, the
2005-10-20 Mining Companies Charged by Judge with Poisoning the River Pilcomayo, Bolivia
2005-09-12 EPA Fine Particle Air Rule Called Gift to Power Industry
2005-08-14 What are Particulates?
2005-08-10 What are Particulates?
2005-07-14 Chubut province is Canadian
2005-05-27 La Fayette Mining in Rapu-rapu will impoverish the Bicolanos and devastate the environment
2005-05-25 Lead coffins - Mining companies accused of lead poisoning in North America and Peru
2005-01-06 En el norte de Chile "Se trasladarían glaciares para permitir minería de oro"
2005-01-06 Carta abierta de las comunidades del Valle del Huasco al Presidente de la Republica de Chile, su Exc
2005-01-06 Urgent Action: Campaign against Barrick Gold's Pascua Lama mining project and the "moving"
2005-01-06 Acción urgente: Campaña contra minera de oro Pascua Lama de Barrick Gold y remoci&oacu
2005-01-06 Urgent Action: Campaign against Barrick Gold's Pascua Lama mining project
2004-12-15 In Northern Chile glaciers to be moved to allow gold mining.
2004-11-28 Open letter from the communities of the Huasco Valley to the President of Chile, His Excellency Rica
2004-09-03 Public rejection of IFC supported gold mining project in Guatemala
2004-09-03 Public rejection of IFC supported gold mining project in Guatemala
2004-09-03 Problems between the communities of San Marcos and Montana Exploradora (Glamis Gold Ltd) are becomin
2004-04-15 Mineral Concessions in Guatemala Violate International Agreements and Peace Accords
2004-03-16 The Rural Society of Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut) has denounced external interference in Chubut, noti
2004-03-16 Argentina minister woos Canadian mining sector
2004-03-16 Argentina minister woos Canadian mining sector
2004-03-08 Aquiline files claim for Navidad
2002-12-16 Canadian mine gets OK, despite Alaska worries
2002-06-15 PERU
2001-05-01 1] Ex-Minister of Energy & Mines, Alberto Acosta, stepped down on June 14th in order to declare
2001-05-01 CVRD suspends iron ore supply to clients due to environmental liabilities
2001-05-01 Taking It to Drummond: Paramilitaries and Mining Companies in Colombia
2001-05-01 ECUADOR

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