MAC: Mines and Communities


Canada has 1288 articles

2021-08-28 Sexual harassment in mine camps, reports
2021-08-21 British Columbia: Nuxalk Nation issues eviction notice to Juggernaut Exploration
2021-08-04 Canada: Wildfires shut down Teck Resources copper mine
2021-07-10 Canada: Cameco evacuated Cigar Lake uranium mine due to wildfires
2021-06-04 Canada: Rio Tinto's Casino bet
2021-05-18 Mines and Communities Website celebrates 20 years
2021-05-17 Canada: British Columbia’s mining dirty secrets, report
2021-05-04 Canada: Public pressure halts coal exploration on the Rocky Mountains
2021-04-23 Alamos Gold demands one billion dollars from Turkey
2021-04-10 Environmental regulation and the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada, report
2021-04-07 Ontario First Nations declare moratorium on Ring of Fire development
2021-03-28 Canada: Tahltan Nation evicts Doubleview Gold
2021-03-28 Teck Coal fined $60 million for water pollution in British Columbia
2021-03-18 Canadian Ombudsperson to begin receiving human rights abuse complaints from abroad
2021-03-15 First Majestic Corp. against the Government of Mexico
2021-03-10 Critics question mining magnate’s gift to Mount Allison University’s School of Fine Arts
2021-03-01 Canada: FSIN, Baselode Energy at odds over uranium exploration
2021-02-26 British Columbia’s ongoing legacy of metal mine impacts, report
2021-02-11 Did the Canadian Police attend a university book launch to stop a crime?
2021-01-25 Alberta’s controversial coal policy unearths anger
2021-01-04 Ottawa rejects bid by China’s Shandong Gold for TMAC Resources
2020-11-26 Army Corps denies permit for giant Pebble mine in Alaska
2020-11-07 British Columbia Pension Fund and Equinox Gold urged to respect communities at Mexico mine
2020-11-04 Supreme Court decision a victory for Canada's Cree communities
2020-10-24 Residents vote to rename Quebec mining town of Asbestos
2020-10-23 Silver particles harm fish in Ontario lake, study
2020-10-16 Securities regulators turning a blind eye to lack of Indigenous consent around Canadian mines
2020-08-11 Quebec commission issues landmark asbestos report
2020-08-06 Hiroshima Day - the invidious fatal connections
2020-07-20 "Force Lloyds to dis-insure Canadian pipeline", Sum of Us
2020-07-02 Yukon First Nation condemns miners' "free entry" to its territory
2020-06-30 Tailings containment "battle-lines" re-open with unique ferocity
2020-06-25 Deep sea mining poses huge, unknown, species' risk
2020-06-22 Ecuadorian Civil society organisations condemn Canadian Ambassador
2020-06-07 Mines are Covid hotpots claim several hundred global organisations
2020-04-01 The MidWeek Essay: How the world's biggest mining convention failed to face Corona Virus
2020-03-25 The Mid-Week Essay: How a major miner fails to cope with Corona virus
2020-03-05 Canada's Trudeau promises bright future for mining
2020-03-02 Many protesters block entry to Canada's premier mining event
2020-02-29 Canada's Supreme Court says Nevsun must face "slavery" charges
2020-02-28 New Canadian research uncovers historic mine contamination
2020-02-26 The Mid-Week Essay: Trudeau's Teck dilemma allegedly "solved"
2020-02-24 Canada's Trudeau stuck between dirty rocks and a hard place
2020-02-20 Quebec's asbestos-created agonies
2020-02-02 Canada: Yellowknives battle with the Giant
2020-01-28 MWC calls for global review of tailings risks
2020-01-27 Kyrgyzstan: grief-stricken Kumtor mine revived
2020-01-15 The Midweek Essay: Are big miners rushing to be seen as "green"?
2020-01-10 Canadian lithium's bright new future
2020-01-08 The world's top mining companies
2019-11-26 Nautilus minerals finally bankrupt, but is it still a threat?
2019-10-28 Peru: Canada's Hudbay conspired with police, court confirms
2019-10-18 Joan Kuyek makes the call: "Take power back from the miners!"
2019-10-13 Chile's Pascua Lama battle may finally be nearing its end
2019-10-11 Ecuadorian indigenous people under major mining attack
2019-10-07 Mexico: Deadly atrocities alleged against mining resisters
2019-09-30 This Week's Essay: A Clean Green Deal
2019-09-14 The Weekend Essay: Catastrophe faces the Arctic
2019-09-07 Canadian First Nation may now finally win "battle of the lake"
2019-09-03 Nova Scotia mining companies don't always "play by the rules"
2019-08-14 The Midweek Essay: Is Rio Tinto becoming a Robo Cop?
2019-08-12 Global protests greet Oceanagold on World Indigenous Peoples' Day
2019-08-10 Philippines: OceanGold facing final ejection
2019-07-02 Mount Polley: a 'paradise' transformed into pain
2019-07-02 DRC: 'Poverty-driven' artisanal mining in spotlight after tragedy hits Congo
2019-06-15 Canada: Mount Polley mine still discharging toxic wastes
2019-03-14 Nautilus Minerals gets protection order against creditors
2019-01-15 Indigenous groups are the world’s endangered environmental guardians
2019-01-11 Barrick Gold's invidious merger with Randgold
2019-01-06 Will the sun finally set on Canadian company accused of slavery?
2018-12-23 Canada's new corporate ombudsperson needs real power
2018-12-10 USA: Native tribes allege human rights violation over Canadian mine pollution
2018-11-05 Brazil's sorry future under Bolsonaro
2018-10-19 Canada is set to ban asbestos mining & use
2018-09-21 US tribes win costs battle over Teck's pollution
2018-04-24 Indigenous Xinka march in Guatemala to banish Canadian mine
2017-09-11 Tanzania - Vocal legal critic of mining in attempted assassination
2017-08-21 Canadian indigenous women passionately demand mining justice
2017-08-09 Tanzania: Barrick/Acacia blasted in Canada for multiple offences
2017-08-06 New Canadian coal mine poses multiple threats to workers - report
2017-08-05 Canada: Mt Polley toxic disaster has been allowed to continue for three years
2017-07-22 Renewable energy: built on a Faustian bargain?
2017-07-19 Canada: City council backs First Nations over Ajax mine
2017-07-13 Canada's first attempt to address scourge of lung disease in mining
2017-06-14 Bulgarian town backs gold mining ban in referendum
2017-06-12 Lawsuit against Tahoe Resources cleared for trial in Canada
2017-03-05 Canada: First Nation environmental review panel nixes proposed Ajax mine
2017-01-29 Guatemalan Environmentalists Win Legal Case In Canadian court
2017-01-04 Will Canada finally face up to one of its largest environmental liabilities?
2016-12-14 Canada: Environmental group takes De Beers to court over mercury monitoring
2016-10-24 The “Canada Brand”: Violence and Canadian Mining Companies in Latin America
2016-10-18 MiningWatch Canada files charges over Mount Polley waste disaster
2016-10-07 Canadian mining company on trial for slave labour in Eritrea
2016-10-04 Canada: How to save salmons from mining pollution?
2016-09-02 IFC failed to comply with its standards in Colombia
2016-08-27 USA: Teck ordered to cover aboriginal group litigation costs
2016-08-23 Neskantaga First Nation to Noront Resources: 'Cease and desist'
2016-08-21 Canadian firms dominate phosphate imports from Western Sahara
2016-08-05 Canada: Protest marks Mount Polley mine disaster anniversary
2016-07-16 The Ugly Canadian: Kinross Gold
2016-06-28 Canada: Scientists reveal effects of 2013 coal mine spill
2016-06-26 Why Mining Corporations Love Trade Deals
2016-06-19 Canada: Alaska group raises international concerns over B.C. mine operations
2016-06-17 Quebec National Assembly applauds efforts to ban asbestos
2016-06-12 Canadian Mining Giant Dries Up Water Resources in Mexico
2016-05-23 Hudbay Minerals shareholders asked to donate their dividends
2016-05-23 Silicosis - the world's most destructive mining disease?
2016-04-25 Rio Tinto 2016 AGM: "Goodnight children – sleep well"
2016-04-25 Latin American organisations call for Canadian mining accountability
2016-04-17 Innu lawsuit may reshape Canada’s natural resource landscape
2016-04-14 Colombia and Panama hit with arbitration claims
2016-04-06 The increasing threat of colossal mining wastes
2016-04-02 Guatemalan Women’s Claims Put Focus on Canadian Firms’ Conduct Abroad
2016-03-25 Four US/Canadian transboundary mines risk tailings disaster
2016-03-11 Call for Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
2016-03-06 "Canadian Mining Kills" say activists at a vigil inside mining convention
2016-03-02 Jan Roberts: commemorating a true warrior
2016-02-21 Canada: Powder in mines linked to disease
2016-02-04 Shareholders pressing big miners on climate change disclosure
2016-01-30 Canada: Teck Metals to plead guilty over pollution in Trail, B.C.
2016-01-28 Canada: Glencore given time to meet new nickel emission limits
2016-01-24 Environment Canada issued warning before Mount Polley disaster
2016-01-16 Romania: Rosia Montana protected from mining by its historical status
2016-01-11 City in Quebec suffers from collapse in iron ore prices
2015-12-30 Canadian Mining Companies Leave Behind Decades of Violence in Guatemala
2015-12-26 India's nuclear weapons intentions exposed
2015-12-23 Canada: De Beers' alleged mercury contamination at its Victor diamond mine
2015-12-20 Imperial Metals escapes charges from Mount Polley tailings breach
2015-11-18 Is Innu's Supreme Court win really a disaster for Canadian industry?
2015-11-14 What do outgoing Canadian Prime Ministers get up to in their free time?
2015-11-12 SaskPower’s CCS debacle knows no bounds!
2015-11-05 Boundary Dam CCS hype goes up in a puff of green smoke
2015-10-16 Canada: Supreme Court rejects Rio Tinto's efforts to dismiss Innu class-action lawsuit
2015-10-13 Canadian Cree concerns as De Beers looks further North
2015-10-10 Women bear worst impacts of the mining industry ...
2015-09-21 Panama - Canadian mining company plays fast and loose with law
2015-09-09 Consent & Waste - The beginning and end of Canadian mining problems
2015-08-26 The problem with (self-regulated) environmental assessments
2015-08-22 Indigenous group urges Canada to uphold Kiggavik decision
2015-08-10 Mining Waste from Canada’s Mount Polley Mine Spill Still Lingers
2015-08-09 Gabriel Resources sues Romania for $2.5 billion damages
2015-07-30 Canadian tribal protest halts mine exploration, for now
2015-07-26 UN urges Canada to probe mining abuses abroad
2015-07-17 "Inappropriate" to authorize uranium mining in Quebec
2015-07-13 Unions target Switzerland over Glencore
2015-06-25 Indigenous leaders protest at Seabridge annual shareholder meeting
2015-06-06 Canada: Rio Tinto Alcan Accused of Polluting Kitimat Airshed to Save Money
2015-06-02 Protest at Imperial Metals AGM turns ugly as shareholder goes full racist
2015-05-27 Burma is still burning
2015-05-25 Allegations of brutality in Guatemala at Hudbay shareholders' meeting
2015-05-19 Protests in Canada over mining company suing El Salvador for $301 million?
2015-05-13 De Beers Canada paid only $226 in a year's royalties for its Victor diamond mine
2015-05-10 Amnesty calls for Canadian company disclosure related to Burma "disinvestment"
2015-05-06 Canada: Mount Polley mining disaster caused major changes to ecosystem
2015-04-24 Rio Tinto 2015 AGM reports: Behind closed doors at Rio Tinto
2015-04-18 London Calling on the theft of artefacts now being returned to India
2015-04-16 Declaration of the World Uranium Symposium 2015
2015-04-13 London Calling asks: Is the World Social Forum now beyond our pale?
2015-04-09 Catholic Church warned on getting too close to the mining industry
2015-04-08 Wiretap transcripts raise troubling questions about Tahoe Resources' militarized security detail
2015-04-03 Canada’s ex-Foreign Affairs Minister appointment to Barrick raises questions
2015-03-15 Mexican Network Deplores Conclusion of Canadian Blackfire Investigation
2015-03-01 Canadian mining conference's morals are mocked by protestors
2015-02-25 Government Documents Reveal Canadian Embassy Backed Mining Abuses in Mexico
2015-02-20 London Calling on losing one's marbles
2015-01-27 The good, the bad - and the downright ugly
2015-01-18 Canada: Rio Tinto accused of "total disregard" for collective agreement
2015-01-08 Canada - New court victory for the Innu against Rio Tinto (IOC)
2015-01-02 Canadian Mount Polley spill: 'Things are not OK here' ...
2014-12-29 Canada: The limits of tying aid to mining companies
2014-12-19 Canada: Cree walkers against uranium mining end 850 km walk
2014-12-14 Guilty Verdict: Canadian Government Shares Responsibility for Mining Injustice
2014-12-05 Canada: First Nations release 'clear mining policy and rules' for central BC
2014-11-20 Canada: Mathias Colomb Cree Nation Stands in Solidarity with Ayllu of Peru
2014-11-19 Canada: Rio Tinto Alcan permit process questioned
2014-11-15 Canadian Government Acknowledges Power to Act on Extractive Companies, Declines to Do So
2014-11-12 How Violating Indigenous Peoples' Rights Increases Industry Risks
2014-11-11 Canada: James Bay Crees launch the People's Board at
2014-11-09 Canada's Potash to spend over $53 million in US Clean Air Act case
2014-10-23 Public Hearing on Canadian Government's failure to grant justice for mining-affected communities abroad
2014-10-20 Canadian miners criticised in Romania
2014-10-17 Canada: Taseko seeks damages over Prosperity decision
2014-10-14 The 'clean coal' era has not begun
2014-10-12 Indigenous Canadians Blockade a Mine to Protest Pollution
2014-10-10 Canada - Assembly of First Nations Supports the Innu in Asserting their First Nation Rights
2014-09-28 Canada: The First Nations in Quebec stand united in their opposition to uranium mining
2014-09-24 Canadian court rules aboriginal lawsuit against Rio Tinto can go ahead
2014-09-14 Canada: Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park
2014-08-19 Canada: Permanent Uranium Moratorium Confirmed Over Eeyou Istchee Territory
2014-08-14 The newest assault on the world's oceans, deep sea mining
2014-08-05 Massive tailings pond breach at Mount Polley Mine in Canada
2014-08-04 Canada - Tsilhqot'in Nation announces release of draft Mining Policy
2014-06-28 Human Rights Groups Urge OECD to Act Against Corporate Abuses in Ecuador
2014-06-27 Canadian First Nation wins aboriginal title claim in Supreme Court ruling
2014-05-23 Canada's mining human rights impact on Colombia
2014-05-11 HudBay Minerals Declared Corporate Criminals in People's Trial
2014-05-01 Barrick Gold Faces Demonstration Against Abuses at Toronto AGM
2014-04-07 Guatemala: Criminal Trial for the murder of Adolfo Ich delayed
2014-03-31 Study reviews the impacts of mine on Inuit women
2014-03-12 NAFTA encouraged 'environmentally destructive mining' boom in Mexico
2014-02-28 Canada: Taseko New Prosperity Mine at Fish Lake rejected again
2013-12-27 Canadian First Nations, NGOs demand full disclosure and government action on Sherritt's toxic coal spill
2013-12-10 Goldcorp faces lawsuit threat from Mexico and a $3.2 million fine in Argentina
2013-11-29 Canadian Mounties Investigating on Bougainville
2013-11-20 Canada: Worries grow over vast coal slurry leak
2013-11-19 Vale handed tax amnesty at home, but brickbats abroad
2013-11-09 Canada: Massive coal mine leak damaged fisheries, habitat
2013-11-02 Canada and Latin America - where is the accountability?
2013-11-02 Mexico agrees increased mining tax despite company threats
2013-11-02 Canada: First Nations declare victory against Taseko's B.C. mine
2013-10-08 Canada's Infinito Gold is suing Costa Rica for more than $1 billion
2013-10-07 Canada: Cameco & Sierra Club face off over uranium licences
2013-09-21 Canadian Supreme Court rejects Yukon government's appeal over mining law
2013-09-15 Canadian Embassy Snubs Family of Slain Mexican Activist
2013-08-21 Fortune Minerals 'served eviction notice' by Tahltan Elders
2013-07-23 Ruling against Hudbay Minerals opens way for trial in Canada
2013-07-22 Canadian Pension Plan Divests from Excellon Resources
2013-07-09 Canada: Court order allows mining company to continue working at Red Sucker Lake
2013-07-02 Canada: Legal challenge to uranium 'collaboration agreement'
2013-06-17 Opposing Fortune's Coal Mine In British Columbia's Sacred Headwaters
2013-06-13 Peru: mining threats to the peoples' water
2013-06-11 Outrage at signing of First Nation and Cameco-Areva collaboration agreement
2013-06-06 Canada: Call to Investigate Tahoe Resources After Wiretap
2013-06-06 Appeals court sharpens Schmidheiny sentence
2013-06-03 Canada's distorted mining policies deepen conflict in Peru and waste at home
2013-05-29 Dancing the World into Being
2013-05-21 Hudbay Minerals denounced for criminalizing land defenders and infringing on indigenous rights
2013-05-13 Report Reveals How Canadian Diplomacy Supported Deadly Blackfire Mining Project in Mexico
2013-05-07 Report asking for Free Prior Informed Consent to become a reality launched in London
2013-04-28 Canada: Indigenous rights are the best defence against Canada's resource rush
2013-04-28 The bad habits of Peter Munk
2013-04-28 Mine exploration by Canadian company spotlighted in double murder
2013-04-22 Switzerland: International Day against gold mining in Zurich
2013-04-09 Canadian miner sues its own government
2013-04-09 Quebec imposes moratorium on uranium development
2013-03-25 Canadian Aboriginal communities sue Rio Tinto for C$900m
2013-03-19 United front forms against Quebec uranium mining
2013-03-05 Breakthrough Regarding Legal Liability of Canadian Mining Corporations for Abuses Overseas
2013-02-25 Arctic must be saved from "resource rush", says UNEP
2013-02-25 Are Toronto junior miners facing the knell of doom?
2013-02-19 Canadian native protesters block road to De Beers mine
2013-02-19 Mexico: The Way the Town is Now
2013-02-04 Canadian resource firms step up legal fight against green groups
2013-02-04 Canada: Old way of doing business is dead
2013-02-04 "Aid not Trade" for mining companies?
2013-01-28 Anti-mining activists connect-the-dots in Oaxaca, Mexico
2013-01-21 The Curious Case of the Canadian hedge funder and his bid for Deep Sea Control
2013-01-21 Arctic oil extraction frozen, but mining to bring a melting $100 billion in investments
2013-01-14 Will 2013 see the new 'brooming' of dubious mining investment?
2013-01-14 Canada: Yukon court decision could force BC to overhaul its antiquated mining laws
2013-01-14 Canadian Indigenous Movement Transcends national borders
2012-12-27 US-Canada: Colville Tribes Win against Teck Metals
2012-12-17 When will Taseko vacate Tsilhqot'in territory?
2012-12-11 'Collaboration Agreement' with uranium giants sparks opposition in Saskatchewan
2012-12-11 Mexico: MiningWatch Canada Visits Demolished Protest Camp near Excellon Resources Mine
2012-12-04 Canadian mine project refused Environmental Assessment Certificate
2012-11-27 Mexico: International mission calls for closure of conflict-ridden mine
2012-11-19 Ministry Issues 41 Orders at Site of Vale Mine Fatalities
2012-11-19 Canadian Unions go to court over use of temporary workers at BC coal mine
2012-11-11 Surely asbestos mining is now on the way out?
2012-11-11 Canada's Nevsun challenged over alleged abuses in Eritrea
2012-11-05 No justice in Canada for Congolese massacre victims
2012-11-01 Violent destruction of protest camp at Excellon Resources' La Platosa mine
2012-10-23 Last Quebec asbestos mine abandons plan to re-open
2012-10-16 Chinese workers will carry coals for Canada
2012-09-24 The Canadian-Chinese cloud with a distinctly silver lining
2012-09-20 The End of Quebec Asbetos Mining and Exports?
2012-09-18 Canadian Parliamentarians meet with Guatemalan Legislators on Goldcorp's Ticket
2012-09-18 Canada: B.C. mining giant admits polluting U.S. waters
2012-09-04 Goldcorp organizes junket for Canadian parliamentarians to Guatemala
2012-08-28 Canada: Marketing Consent
2012-08-28 Cuba convicts 12 of corruption in nickel industry
2012-08-21 Excellon Once Again Break Negotiation with Communal Landowners of La Sierrita
2012-08-13 Canadian Cree Nation declares Permanent Uranium Moratorium
2012-08-06 Canadian Government's Extractive Ombudsman Admits Another Glacier Impact Case in Argentina
2012-08-06 Canada: Concerns about loan to reopen Jeffrey Asbestos Mine
2012-08-01 Inuit campaign for referendum over mine in far north
2012-08-01 Taseko Mines' Draft Environmental Impact Statement proves issues are not being addressed
2012-07-24 Canadian Cree renew opposition to Matoush uranium project
2012-07-17 Mexican workers, landowners, get heavy stick from Canadian company
2012-07-11 Canada's Quebec government funds killer industry
2012-07-03 Canada promotes asbestos, even while acknowledging its dangers
2012-06-26 Canada: Barriere Lake First Nation protests at annual meeting of mining company
2012-06-26 Rio Tinto's "Great Olympic Greenwash"
2012-06-26 Mexico: Two mining opponents shot in Oaxaca
2012-06-12 Canadian mining CEO resigns after attacks
2012-06-12 Cree First Nation Says "No" to Uranium Power
2012-06-05 London Calling applauds coal protesters who created a stink in Vancouver
2012-05-29 The mining onslaught on Canada's native communities
2012-05-22 Arctic Caucus statement on human rights and extractive industries
2012-05-22 Ontario Could Get Burned by Flawed Ring of Fire Process
2012-05-08 Napoleón to return home as Mexican mineworkers' leader
2012-05-08 Most Hondurans oppose open-cast mining, says survey
2012-05-08 Canada's Taseko Mines slammed for attack on Aboriginal rights
2012-05-01 Into the Vale of Death and Destruction
2012-05-01 Statement of the M4 Movement in Mesoamerica
2012-04-24 Rio Tinto gets no Medals from its critics
2012-04-24 Shareholders Say Guatemalans Should Not Have to Pay for Goldcorp's Mess
2012-04-02 Canada: Lake killing made easy
2012-04-02 Chile's mining battle fronts
2012-04-02 Canada: Last ditch attempt to strike at Anvil
2012-03-20 Will global miners buckle down to tougher government demands?
2012-03-20 UN human rights body criticises Canada over resource extraction
2012-03-20 Mexico: Another opponent of Canadian mining is assassinated
2012-03-20 Wikileaks reveal true nature of Ivanhoe-Rio Tinto's Burmese deal
2012-03-14 Canada's support for controversial mining projects goes a step further
2012-03-06 Canada:Vale to blame for double mine fatalities, claims Union
2012-03-06 Canada: The Tsilqhot'in take on Taseko for a second time
2012-02-28 Canada: A daughter of Elliot Lake recalls uranium's deadly toll
2012-02-20 World's biggest asbestos trial sees two billionaires sentenced to prison
2012-02-20 First Nations have many problems with the government of Ontario
2012-02-14 Striking stories - from Canada & Australia
2012-02-14 Canada's government equates mining with "development"
2012-02-07 Potash mining debate heats up in Saskatchewan town
2012-01-31 Mexico: Zapotec Protesters Shot on Behalf of Canadian Mining Company
2012-01-31 Canadian Rio Tinto lockout nears one month
2012-01-10 Canada and India: Mining companies are getting closer to NGOs
2011-12-12 Canada promotes deadly mineral trade with India
2011-12-12 Tsilhqot'in welcome injunction against Taseko Mines
2011-11-14 Canadian First Nations dig in against Prosperity & Coal
2011-11-14 Canada - Harper's Bazaar
2011-11-08 Canadian Opposition Parties Call for Asbestos Sales Ban
2011-10-31 Canada: the Taseko controversy won't go away
2011-10-18 Canadian First Nations condemn Rio Tinto-Alcan
2011-10-18 Inco-Vale decision overturned by Ontario's highest court
2011-10-10 Baljit Chadha's Canadian asbestos gamble
2011-09-19 Canadian chief urges responsible mining partnerships
2011-09-06 UN tells UK: ensure your mining companies respect human rights
2011-09-06 Canadian police raid Calgary miner over bribery allegations
2011-09-06 Mining the Arctic - a massive con?
2011-08-23 Canada continues promoting deadly asbestos mining
2011-08-08 Outrage at Ivanhoe-Rio Tinto's dirty Burma deal
2011-08-01 Canadian First Nation celebrates mining company's retreat
2011-08-01 Canada's last functional asbestos mine about to run dry
2011-07-18 The consulta movement continues... in Northern Ontario!
2011-07-11 Arctic Resource Wars move a dangerous step closer
2011-07-04 Further Dirty Mining Deals alleged in Burma
2011-06-28 Canada blocks move to deem asbestos hazardous
2011-06-13 Canadian First Nations reject revised mine proposal
2011-06-07 Don't put your hope in uranium
2011-06-07 Indigenous Peoples are crying: 'C' means Consent!
2011-05-30 Fukushima chills uranium development
2011-05-24 Canadian companies hammered for abuses in Guatemala and Mexico
2011-05-24 Voisey's Bay Report: A Victory for Workers
2011-05-17 From Ecuador to Labrador
2011-05-17 Canadian Indigenous Peoples oppose mining expansion
2011-05-17 Canadian Ecumenical Conference on Mining: Report
2011-05-02 Global gold supremo faces its critics
2011-05-02 Canadian court ruling may hold Anvil to account for Congo massacre
2011-05-02 Canada: First Nation seeks urgent injunction to stop Zenyatta drilling
2011-04-27 Terra Firma Withdraws from Restigouche
2011-04-27 Indian health experts deplore Canadian asbestos move
2011-04-18 Toronto students barrack world's biggest gold miner
2011-04-12 In the wake of Fukushima, what future for Canadian uranium?
2011-04-04 Canada: Telling lies about Asbestos
2011-04-04 Canada lax on mining anti-bribery efforts: OECD
2011-04-04 Chinese Overseas Investments, 2006-2010
2011-03-28 Canadian companies are ignoring human rights issues overseas
2011-03-22 Canadian law fails community harmed by mining company in Ecuador
2011-03-22 Peoples of the North pledge Declaration on Responsible Resource Development
2011-03-14 Deadly materials - the urgent need for control
2011-03-01 CIDA Subsidizes Mining's Social Responsibility Projects
2011-03-01 Canadian PM stands "firm" against revised Taseko mine plan
2011-02-07 From Quebec to India - Merchants of Death
2011-01-25 The Market's on its metal
2011-01-25 76% of Quebeckers oppose government financing for the Jeffrey asbestos mine
2010-12-27 "We're not here for De Beers" - Indigenous Peoples
2010-12-27 Money really can buy anything - if you're a mega miner
2010-12-13 Canadian Miner Being Sued for Violent Death of Community Leader
2010-12-13 Ottawa quietly opens protected Arctic wilderness to proposed mining
2010-12-13 Asian anti-asbestos delegation headed to Quebec
2010-12-13 Deadly Saskatchewan uranium in Iraq
2010-12-06 Canada: Matoush Uranium Project Should be Rejected
2010-12-06 Pole-axed: Massive threats posed to the Arctic and Antarctica
2010-11-29 First Nations roadblock temporarily halts work at British Columbia mine
2010-11-08 Canadian Fish Lake Spared
2010-11-01 Canadian bill to end abuses in foreign mines is defeated
2010-10-25 BHP Billiton in the firing line: 2010 style
2010-10-10 Canada's Tsilhqot'in First Nation affirms mine "will never be accepted"
2010-10-10 Canada: Taxpayers, Unions, outraged at $1 billion loan to Vale
2010-10-04 A victim's son speaks out - Canada
2010-10-04 The dangers of manganese
2010-09-20 Miners seed more money in the fields of Academe
2010-09-14 Canada: Tsilhqot'in Nation ready to defend its territory
2010-09-05 Canadian First Nation and Quebec citizens unite against uranium
2010-09-05 Canadian environment centre throws strong doubt on coal project
2010-08-30 Dark Materials: the consequences of clinging to coal
2010-08-16 Zambia miners reject Vale
2010-08-08 US-Canadian Mission Set To Map Arctic Seafloor
2010-08-02 Canada government urged not to support Ivanhoe in Burma
2010-08-02 AFN Chiefs Pledge to Help Defend Lands Against Proposed Prosperity Mine-Canada
2010-07-17 Formal Human Rights Complaint re HudBay in Guatemala
2010-07-09 Medical associations call for ban on Canadian asbestos mining
2010-07-09 Federal Canadian Panel finds there would be significant impacts from Taseko mine
2010-07-09 Canadian citizens awarded $36-million in suit against Inco
2010-07-04 Global trade unions demand sustainability and justice
2010-06-26 Canada: stopping toxic waste dumping in lakes
2010-06-19 Canadian First Nations take on three new mining proposals
2010-06-19 Nickel: A breakthrough in China, another blow for Sudbury
2010-06-11 Deathbed reprieve for Canada's killer industry?
2010-06-11 First Nations' Rights Need More Protection from Mining Activities
2010-06-04 Will the World Bank undermine the people of El Salvador in mining dispute?
2010-05-29 Canadian Tsilhqot'in Nation statement on proposed Prosperity Mine
2010-05-29 Two statements to UN CSD on Indigenous Peoples & uranium
2010-05-23 Ecuadorians to appeal Ontario court's decision on lawsuit against TSX and Copper Mesa
2010-05-20 Canadian mining ... more than a PR problem
2010-05-07 Barrick's chairman unapologetic in face of protest
2010-05-01 Canadian Fact-finding Delegation Discovers Mexican Community Devastated by Blackfire Exploration
2010-05-01 International Open Letter of Those Affected by Vale
2010-04-24 Barrick's "Historic Gift" fulfills an academic dream
2010-04-18 Canadian Envoys to Kenya & Tanzania: Uninformed or Arrogant?
2010-04-18 First Nations call for inclusion in environmental review process
2010-04-08 Canadian Government Sidesteps Supreme Court Ruling
2010-03-31 Canadian doctors renew threat to resign over uranium
2010-03-24 Canadian First Nations lift "Ring of Fire" blockade
2010-03-18 Vale pseudo-negotiations condemned, as union rejects company's latest offer
2010-03-05 Obama's uranium power plan will set US back thirty years
2010-03-02 Canadian Chiefs fight to protect sacred lake
2010-02-23 British Columbia Bans Mining, Drilling in Flathead River Valley
2010-02-15 Canadian miner throws money at major University
2010-02-07 Conflicts over mining: the illusory boundary between "legal" and "illegal"
2010-01-31 The Wild West in Ontario's Ring of Fire
2010-01-31 Canada's Supreme Court bows down to environmental pressure
2010-01-31 BHP Billiton ups spending on iron
2010-01-25 Canadian First Nations planning blockade
2010-01-25 Canada's proposed Mining Bill C-300 gains further endorsement
2010-01-19 Canada's bad mining - papering over the cracks
2010-01-19 Could spate of mine takeovers signal a bright new mining year?
2010-01-11 Voisey's bay nickel strike talks falter once more
2009-12-22 Doctors resign en masse over uranium exploration
2009-12-22 Platinex drops attempt to explore on native land
2009-12-14 Unions in Indonesia, Brazil and Canada Join Forces To Take On Vale-INCO
2009-12-14 Quebec health officials denounce asbestos
2009-11-30 Canadian mining firms face abuse allegations
2009-11-30 Barrick accused of gang rapes at Porgera, Papua New Guinea
2009-11-23 Indian network seeks ban on all asbestos imports from Canada
2009-11-16 Mining Report Calls for Fundamental Reforms
2009-11-09 Global campaign against Vale gains momentum
2009-11-09 Canada: With "Prosperity" comes destruction
2009-11-02 "Come to Canada!"- mining executive urges Chinese
2009-11-02 Indonesians rally to Canadian cause
2009-10-19 From small town poisoning to mega-buck deal
2009-10-19 Big messes for miners
2009-10-19 Inco Refinery Pollution Suit Tests Ontario Environmental Laws
2009-10-13 60-year poisoning legacy finally recognised in Canadian township
2009-09-29 Canada's public takes on the public over proposed massive mine
2009-09-29 If passed, new Canadian bill would curb miner's activities overseas
2009-09-22 United front damns Quebec's biggest proposed open-pit mine
2009-09-01 Vale moots using scabs to break Canadian strike
2009-08-25 Vale strikes in Canada could last into 2010
2009-08-10 Ottawa park contaminated with lead
2009-08-03 Canada's Vale workers go south in protest
2009-07-27 Anti-Mining Groups Stage 36 Hour Sit-in at Canadian Embassy, Mexico City
2009-07-20 The Chinese are coming - but perhaps not where you might expect
2009-07-16 Africans aim for alternative, fully-reformed, minerals sector
2009-07-07 US Supreme Court backs potential poisoning of lake
2009-06-02 While government stalls, private member launches bill to regulate Canadian mining overseas
2009-06-02 Ontario mining proposals get mixed reception
2009-06-02 Nunatsiavut government has no intention of lifting uranium mining moratorium
2009-06-02 London Calling asks if Vedanta's guilty of a massive money laundering racket
2009-05-28 Ecuador: indígenas canadienses exponen impactos de la minería en su país
2009-05-27 Canada: Activists protest open-pit mines by staking claim to Mount Royal
2009-05-27 Ecuador's Future for Canadian Transnationals: An Exchange of Indigenous Perspectives
2009-05-18 Barrick at the barricades
2009-05-11 China: wheeling and dealing in Australia
2009-05-11 Top Canadian ex-diplomats to work for censured mining company
2009-05-05 In Their Backyard
2009-05-05 A mixed bag of coal-related "policies"
2009-05-05 EXCLUSIVE: How coal may produce energy without being mined
2009-04-27 Asbestos: Canada - and India's - enduring shame
2009-04-27 NGOs win mining environmental victory in Canada
2009-04-20 Canadian Advantage – for whom?
2009-04-14 Critical report of the Auditor General of Quebec on mining
2009-04-06 Canada update
2009-04-06 Lawyers take aim at mining companies Their rallying cry: 'corporate social responsibility'
2009-03-30 Government Squanders Opportunity to Hold Extractive Companies to Account
2009-03-22 Canadian province moves towards uranium ban
2009-03-16 Caribou at stake in Canadian controversy
2009-03-16 New mining fund for Canada's First Peoples - a hedge too far?
2009-03-03 The flaw in "ethical" diamonds
2009-03-03 Revoking a governor's Feb. 14 decree, B.C. moves to recognize native rights
2009-02-23 Canada: Attawapiskat members issue demands to DeBeers
2009-02-10 Quebec opposition calls for uranium moratorium - Parti Quebecois demande un moratoire sur l'uranium
2009-02-10 Canada's Indigenous Rights record slammed, as Norway revises upwards is corporate social responsiblity policy
2009-02-02 Mining recession's human costs
2009-01-26 Canadian mining's notorious reputation in the Philippines not recognised back home
2009-01-26 Canada activists demand: "Don't bulldoze our future in the rush for 'shovelready' projects! "
2009-01-26 Canada: Tories may eliminate some environmental oversights
2009-01-26 Toxic wastes from Canadian mines evading scrutiny, claim groups
2009-01-19 Waste Not, Want Not: One company's fight against Newfoundlanders & Kanaks
2009-01-19 New data show high mercury in Flin Flon-area lakes
2009-01-19 Canada: First Nation communities want to be included in mining talk
2009-01-07 Canada: Fight for Public Involvement in Environmental Assessment Heads To Supreme Court
2008-12-30 Canada: Madoc mine faces numerous environmental charges
2008-12-15 Will Rio Tinto ever learn?
2008-12-02 Canadian legal threats to Venezuela
2008-11-24 Giant Mines Scramble to Cut Output
2008-11-24 Barrick enjoys precious few "Obama moments"
2008-11-24 India's asbestos shame
2008-11-24 Canadian court cements citizens' right to environmental class action suits
2008-11-17 Canadian polluter at bay
2008-11-10 Palin under pressure
2008-11-10 Russia and South Asian states back unacceptable asbestos trade
2008-11-10 Global meltdown promises pain, relief for Nunavut: Mining to suffer, energy prices will ease
2008-11-10 Mining and the Economic Crisis in Canada
2008-11-05 OREphaned mines
2008-11-05 Canada to keep asbestos off trade blacklist
2008-10-27 Canada: New Brunswick regulations protect lakes from becoming mining waste dumps
2008-10-21 KI Statement on Ontario Mining Act Reform
2008-10-21 Canada: Summit calls for end to ‘free-entry’
2008-10-21 US ban on Burma gems needs tightening
2008-09-22 Canadian uranium: Cameco costs climbing; fury at company claims
2008-09-22 KI takes nonviolent approach with defense project
2008-09-22 Canada still blocking action on asbestos
2008-09-16 Canada: uranium strikes
2008-09-16 Brazil, Canadian, mining unions agree on mutual support
2008-08-25 A valedictory for the lake?
2008-08-25 First Nation tackles a second corporate invader
2008-08-25 Canadian uranium miner creates spartan conditions for local resident
2008-08-19 UN committee indicts Canadian mining companies on Indigenous US territory
2008-08-19 Ontario aims to revise mining act
2008-08-19 Cameco under fire on two fronts
2008-08-11 It still hasn't dawned on Aurora!
2008-08-04 Ottawa rejects call to guide uranium mining
2008-07-28 New calls for uranium ban in New Brunswick while Newmont gets clean-up bill
2008-07-28 Environmental furor brews as Feds ponder nickel mine-waste dumping
2008-07-28 A mess of potash?
2008-07-20 Supply crunch: Brazil ban on asbestos to hit firms in India
2008-07-14 Canada Uranium - in and out of the country
2008-07-09 Aboriginal Canadians go trading with China
2008-07-01 More Canadian calls against uranium
2008-05-26 New workers' accord aimed at Teck Cominco
2008-04-20 Guistra like that!
2008-04-13 Canada/US uranium update
2008-03-07 Northgate told to go back to drawing board
2008-03-05 Canada Uranium update
2008-02-29 Canada: Government challenged for its "shameful asbestos policy"
2008-02-27 Canada Uranium update
2008-02-26 Rio Tinto-Alcan comes in below par on "sustainability"
2008-02-22 Canada Uranium update
2008-02-15 Canada Uranium update
2008-02-15 India update
2008-02-08 Canada uranium update
2008-02-01 Canada Uranium update
2008-01-31 India update
2008-01-18 Canada Uranium update
2008-01-17 Xstrata: a move forward but two steps back?
2008-01-14 BC miners donate C$ 20 million toward new UBC building
2008-01-08 Toronto plays key role in recent Chinese mning deals
2008-01-04 Canada and U.S. uranium update
2007-12-30 US Supreme Court expected to make decision on Teck Cominco case soon
2007-12-21 Canada Uranium update
2007-12-20 Fishworkers concerned at submarine tailings dumping in Labrador
2007-12-19 BOOK REVIEW: A case that reverberated throughout north America
2007-12-18 Another cross border battle looms
2007-12-13 Canadian government prepares to permit destruction of more lakes by mining
2007-12-13 Nuclear power's "green" credentials under fire
2007-12-12 First Nation takes issue with national body over mining collaboration
2007-12-04 Canada Uranium update
2007-11-29 Teck Cominco's chances of Supreme Court hearing diminished, experts say
2007-11-29 Canada Uranium update
2007-11-26 Oka: A Paper Mines: Mining Quebec Treasure
2007-11-22 Canada to announce vast new park
2007-11-15 Canada Uranium update
2007-11-15 Canada Uranium update
2007-11-14 New pubication promises "whole story" on mining projects: REVIEW
2007-11-11 North America's toxic mine burden galvanises groups into action
2007-11-09 Town built on asbestos downplays health risks
2007-11-06 Company withdraws from controversial Canadian project
2007-11-04 Canada Uranium update
2007-10-30 Canada Uranium update
2007-10-25 Rio Tinto warns Ottawa over reductions in emissions
2007-10-25 Canada Uranium update
2007-10-04 Canada uranium update
2007-09-27 Asbestos update: appeal to World Bank
2007-09-18 Canada update
2007-09-14 Canada uranium update
2007-09-14 81 Organizations Sign Statement of Support for the Ardoch Algonquin Blockade of FVC Uranium Mining
2007-09-14 Canada uranium update
2007-09-13 United Nations adopts Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2007-09-13 Sweeping in a new visual era at Rio Tinto
2007-09-13 Indigenous rights outlined by UN
2007-09-13 Adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2007-09-13 United Nations adopts Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
2007-09-12 Uranium firm runs afoul of Labrador Inuit government
2007-09-11 Down the tubes
2007-09-11 Down the tubes
2007-09-07 Canada Uranium update
2007-09-07 Canada Uranium update
2007-09-06 Closure of Cameco's Port Hopep lant to be longer than expected
2007-09-04 Harper's Tories mum on uranium proposal
2007-09-03 Stop uranium mining, says coalition
2007-09-01 Cautious confrontations: The latest stalemate in Ontario over aboriginal land claims tells a familia
2007-08-31 Echoes of the past
2007-08-31 Tax revolt brewing; Mine's neighbours withholding property dues
2007-08-29 OPP hesitates after judge's ruling; Police take no immediate action on uranium mine blockade
2007-08-28 Another native protest gathers steam
2007-08-28 First Nations protest over uranium mining continues
2007-08-28 Algonquin on 'red alert' after order to end blockade
2007-08-26 URANIUM CITY
2007-08-25 Arsenic update
2007-08-21 Uranium mine protesters use drums, voices to drown out words of injunction
2007-08-21 Arrests loom at uranium site after court injunction served
2007-08-16 Canada Uranium update
2007-08-15 FEATURE - Russia's Seabed Flag Heralds Global Ocean Carve-Up
2007-08-15 Taxes on contaminated land should be lowered: owner
2007-08-15 Seabed scramble: putting it all under ice
2007-08-15 Seabed scramble: putting it all under ice
2007-08-14 Black Stuff And Nonsense
2007-08-14 Black stuff and nonsense
2007-08-14 After Russia and Canada, US Ship Headed for Arctic
2007-08-10 Toxic legacy still ruins Canadian lives
2007-08-10 Belledune still seeks answers
2007-08-10 Philippines Update
2007-08-10 Toxic legacy still ruins Canadian lives
2007-08-10 Ontario Walks Tightrope On Plan To End Coal Use
2007-08-07 Uranium mining has no place in N.B.
2007-08-07 Canada Uranium update
2007-08-07 Canada Uranium update
2007-08-06 What belongs to us should not be mined
2007-08-04 London Calling
2007-08-04 London Calling
2007-08-03 Canada uranium update
2007-08-03 Canada Uranium update
2007-08-03 Russia Claims North Pole
2007-08-03 Arctic scramble heats up
2007-08-03 Arctic scramble heats up
2007-08-02 White House sees black gold in melting sea ice
2007-08-02 Cameco's image takes a beating
2007-08-01 Anti-mining Group Joins Calls Against Arroyos In "green Committees"
2007-08-01 Occupational lead exposure affects nerves, brain
2007-07-31 Northern Dynasty & Anglo American Establish 50:50 Partnership to Advance Pebble Project to Prod
2007-07-31 Canatuan Community Stands By The Reported Tvi Sulphide Dam Collapse
2007-07-31 Major mining company throws in with Pebble
2007-07-31 Rp, Canada Agree To Widen Ties On Migrant Workers, Environment
2007-07-30 Uranium drilling fight gets hot
2007-07-27 Canada uranium update
2007-07-27 Canada uranium update
2007-07-26 A way forward, or half a loaf?
2007-07-26 Get off my land
2007-07-26 Candidates express broad agreement over mining issues
2007-07-26 Frontenac Ventures initiates lawsuits against Algonquins at mine site
2007-07-25 Legal battle begins; fFirm files $100M suit over mine blockade
2007-07-25 Residents wary of uranium prospecting in N.B. village
2007-07-24 Minister bullish on uranium mines
2007-07-24 Cameco's series of unfortunate events
2007-07-23 Mining claims to impact rural real estate market
2007-07-23 Letter to Telegraph-Journal
2007-07-23 Land values affected by mining claims, says expert
2007-07-20 Uranium update
2007-07-20 Uranium Update / Rechazo La Ferta De Una Compania Francesa Que Buscuba Extraer Uranio
2007-07-20 Mining Claims In South Skyrocketing
2007-07-16 Mine Opposed - Village Residents Worry About Future
2007-07-14 Canada uranium update
2007-07-14 Canada Uranium Update
2007-07-12 Cancer society calls on Ottawa to change tack and ban asbestos
2007-07-12 Digging In - In Our View: Property Owners Must Get Better Notice When Mineral Rights Are At Stake
2007-07-12 Canada Update
2007-07-12 Canada update
2007-07-11 Reform Mining Legislation
2007-07-09 High lead levels found in Belledune soil
2007-07-08 Opposed To Area Uranium Mine - Protesters Close Hwy. 7
2007-07-07 Protesters Move To Highway Junction; Group Wants Mine Closed Near Sharbot Lake
2007-07-07 Paradise Lost?
2007-07-06 Uranium Rising - Plan To Mine Radioactive Ore Generates Controversy In Moncton, New Brunwick
2007-07-04 Belledune study shows cancer link
2007-07-03 Canada update
2007-07-03 Search for New Brunswick smelter link to cancer rates ditched
2007-07-03 Canada update
2007-06-29 Canadian Lakes Destroyed If Used As Waste Dumps
2007-06-29 Canada update
2007-06-29 Open Letter To Minister On Canada's National Day Of Action
2007-06-28 Canadian Lakes To Be Destroyed By Mining Companies, Critics Warn
2007-06-25 Ont. uranium plans on hold amid native protest threats
2007-06-23 Stat ement on Uranium Mining
2007-06-22 China Says Exports Fuel Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2007-06-22 Canada's Red Chris Mine Faces Court Challenge
2007-06-22 Update on Chinese minerals companies overseas: Kenya, Australia, Russia, Mongolia, Vietnam, North Ko
2007-06-22 Uranium Mining: Opponents Getting Organized
2007-06-22 China Update
2007-06-22 China update
2007-06-21 Nb Health Minister Rules Out Mining In Moncton Watershed
2007-06-19 China’s Environmental Crisis Catalyzes New Democracy Movement
2007-06-19 China Now Number One in Carbon Emissions; USA Number Two
2007-06-15 Update: foreign companies in China
2007-06-15 Much that glitters will come from the east
2007-06-12 Our Story: Uranium Prospecting In Our Backyard
2007-06-08 Canadian prime minister claims his country is leading the way on CSR in minerals sector
2007-06-01 Beijing to Shut Down Heavy Polluters During Games
2007-06-01 China update
2007-06-01 China update
2007-05-31 CVRD: Chinese iron ore imports at 400Mt/y - Brazil
2007-05-29 quot;Dirty Water" Advocacy Tour demands Ottawa adopt recommendations to end Canadian mining a
2007-05-29 "Dirty Water" Advocacy Tour demands Ottawa adopt recommendations to end Canadian mining abuses
2007-05-28 Coal company wants to hire Chinese workers for B.C. mine
2007-05-15 Miners' Woes Heard - If Faintly - in US
2007-05-15 Correction:
2007-05-11 African organisations demand human rights accountability in extractive sector
2007-05-11 African organisations demand human rights accountability in extractive sector
2007-05-11 We, 45 representatives of communities affected by mining, oil, gas and forestry, representatives of
2007-05-10 Native concerns derail uranium project
2007-05-02 CHILE
2007-05-02 Barrick under siege
2007-05-02 Sydney residents raise concerns about cyanide
2007-05-02 Barrick under siege
2007-05-02 PERU
2007-05-02 ARGENTINA
2007-05-02 CANADA
2007-05-01 Barrick's Dirty Secrets: Communities Respond to Gold Mining's Impacts Worldwide
2007-04-30 Mega Tarsands developments in Canada are generating serious environmental and social damages
2007-04-30 From the Polaris Institute,Ottawa, Canada, 30 April, 2007
2007-04-30 Mega Tarsands developments in Canada are generating serious environmental and social damages
2007-04-23 Landscaping - or land grabbing?
2007-04-23 Landscaping - or land grabbing?
2007-04-23 New Horizons: Andrews Takes Up Landscaping PDAC's executive director chairing ILM group
2007-04-13 Alcan (almost) out of Orissa
2007-04-13 Alcan (almost) out of Orissa
2007-04-13 Alcan pulling out of Utkal project in India
2007-04-13 Subsidies cut into Quebec's revenue, report says BERTRAND MAROTTE, Toronto Globe & Mail
2007-04-12 Comment from ALCAN'T CANADA to its Canadian membership
2007-04-03 Diamond review will go ahead, De Beers says
2007-04-03 Diamond review will go ahead, De Beers says
2007-03-30 An important step forward
2007-03-30 Canada: Ranchers revolt hits legislature
2007-03-30 Report targets secrecy in foreign mine, oil operations
2007-03-30 An important step forward
2007-03-29 Canadian mine firms adopt ethics rulebook
2007-03-24 Latin American Update
2007-03-24 Latin America update - Correa advierte de "guerra civil" entre comunidades y empresas min
2007-03-23 Polluting U.S. Owned Smelter in Peru Brought Before OAS
2007-03-22 Environ authority suspends Xstrata 600MW Río Cuervo project
2007-03-22 Drummond denies colluding with far-right death squads to kill Colombia unionists
2007-03-21 CHILE
2007-03-19 MEXICO
2007-03-17 Us-canada Update
2007-03-17 US-Canada update
2007-03-17 COLOMBIA
2007-03-16 Coeur D'alene Mines Loses Clean Water Act Court Case
2007-03-15 PERU
2007-03-15 Securing our children's world
2007-03-15 Securing our children's world
2007-03-15 BRAZIL
2007-03-15 Economic justice and environmental sustainability connected, says Task Force report (March 2007)
2007-03-15 ECUADOR
2007-03-15 Michigan Mining Proposal Collapses
2007-03-13 Steelworkers strike for basic rights at Iron Ore company of Canada
2007-03-12 Michigan Energy Company Sued For Mercury Pollution In Canada
2007-03-01 Letter: From Joan Kueyk, Miningwatch Canada To Michigan Office Of Geological Survey
2007-02-28 Canada update
2007-02-28 Canada Update
2007-02-24 Huge Open Pit Mine Approved
2007-02-23 Cree Seek No-mining Area In James Bay
2007-02-22 Tse Keh Nay-open Letter
2007-02-20 Thousands of Miners Strike a Year After Mexican Coal Mine Explosion That Killed 65 Workers
2007-02-20 Safety problems remain in Mexican mines
2007-02-19 De Beers And Gnwt Confirm Snap Lake Arrangements To Support The Secondary Industry
2007-02-18 Meadowbank Mine To Get New Owner: Cumberland Sells Out For $710 Million
2007-02-17 Letter To Editor, Prince George Citizen
2007-02-16 Premier Says We Need A Fresh Look At Process
2007-02-15 Mining Association "digs" Bc Budget 2007
2007-02-14 Support for the Muskrat Dam First Nation
2007-02-14 To:
2007-02-14 N.w.t. Has Unique Way Of Managing Boom
2007-02-14 Support for the Muskrat Dam First Nation
2007-02-13 Aust Has 'high' Mining Standards
2007-02-13 Asia-Pacific update
2007-02-09 China Set To Launch Kyoto Clean Energy Fund
2007-02-08 Exploration Companies Remain Cool To Nunavut
2007-02-07 China update
2007-02-07 China Update
2007-01-29 Preserving fish stocks a challenge for Taseko, Northgate
2007-01-29 Preserving fish stocks a challenge for Taseko, Northgate
2007-01-19 First Nations Summit condemns Kemess North Mine
2007-01-12 Another possible cancer link to Rio Tinto
2007-01-12 Another possible cancer link to Rio Tinto
2007-01-10 Probe cancer incidence at iron ore mine: union
2007-01-04 Big Dig: Mongolia is Roiled by Miner's Huge Plans - World-Class Deposits Spur Battle for Spils: Mak
2007-00-02 AUSTRALIA
2006-12-22 Asbestos Roundup
2006-12-22 Asbestos Roundup
2006-12-20 Study: Asbestos Fears Are Justified - USGS Scientists Debunk Industry Claim, Call Particles Dangerou
2006-12-18 Ban asbestos now! Asbestos major reason for rise in Canadian work-related deaths
2006-12-17 Brakes Warning Remains: OSHA Statement on Asbestos Exposure Hazard Survives Challenge
2006-12-14 American Journal of Industrial Medicine Publishes Materials from ADAO's 2006 Asbestos Disease Awaren
2006-12-10 Inco and Alcan - Canada's worst air polluters
2006-12-10 PollutionWatch Fact Sheet
2006-12-10 Inco and Alcan - Canada's worst air polluters
2006-12-08 There are no clean diamonds: What you need to know about Canadian diamonds
2006-12-08 Canada Update
2006-12-08 Canada Update
2006-12-05 Where Have All The Fishes Gone?
2006-12-04 Indigenous World Uranium Summit Honors Nuclear Free Heroes
2006-12-04 Indigenous World Uranium Summit Honors Nuclear Free Heroes
2006-12-03 Somba Ke: The Money Place
2006-11-28 Indigenous Rights charter meets hurdle
2006-11-28 Indigenous Rights charter meets hurdle
2006-11-28 UN affirms Indigenous Peoples are not equal to all other Peoples
2006-11-28 Statement of the Indian Law Resource Center regarding the delay in adoption of the United Nations
2006-11-28 First Nations Leadership Council Troubled
2006-11-27 Canada Update
2006-11-27 Canada Update
2006-11-27 E-waste can kill, UN agency warns
2006-11-15 Canada Update
2006-11-15 Canada Update
2006-11-15 No Digging Up Dirt At Mine Conference
2006-11-15 China Update
2006-11-15 China Update
2006-11-15 Canada woos mine partners from China
2006-11-14 The Social Licence To Mine: Passing The Test
2006-11-13 Carry On Polluting
2006-10-27 A very fishy business
2006-10-27 A very fishy business
2006-10-26 Who will save Amazay?
2006-10-24 Environment Canada Flings Door Wide Open to Toxic Dumping in Canada's Lakes
2006-10-20 Latin American Update
2006-10-20 Latin American Update
2006-10-18 COLOMBIA
2006-10-13 Disgraceful Acts: north American asbestos update
2006-10-13 Disgraceful Acts: north American asbestos update
2006-10-11 W.R. Grace Must Pay Asbestos Cleanup Bill
2006-10-09 It's the mining, stupid!
2006-10-09 It's The Consumption, Stupid : Energy Outlook 2007
2006-10-09 It's the mining, stupid!
2006-10-08 Inco blockaded in New Caledonia - while WWF signs a deal
2006-10-08 Canadian Capital in Asia
2006-10-08 Saving the bathwater while throwing out the baby: the unacceptable warp of Woof
2006-10-08 Inco blockaded in New Caledonia - while WWF signs a deal
2006-10-03 Inco and WWF-Canada announce $1 million conservation program
2006-09-29 China Update
2006-09-29 China Update
2006-09-15 How American Cities Have Bypassed Bush On Kyoto
2006-09-14 Tilting at Friedland
2006-09-14 Tilting at Friedland
2006-09-08 Bangla Nagar: the backlash
2006-09-08 G-7 inquires about graft, Tata deal, labour rights
2006-09-08 Bangla Nagar: the backlash
2006-09-08 US Update
2006-09-08 EPA Proposes Industry-backed Changes to Clean Air Program
2006-09-08 US Update
2006-09-07 Increased Burning of Peatlands Boosts Mercury Emissions
2006-09-06 Environmental Enforcement Dropping Under Bush
2006-08-29 To Courts in Canada: First Nations versus mining's alleged interlopers
2006-08-29 To Courts In Canada: First Nations Versus Mining's Alleged Interlopers
2006-08-24 Environmentalists Take Federal Government To Court To Protect Bc Caribou Herd
2006-08-17 Osc Probe Urged Of Miner's Role In Cree Land Dispute
2006-08-15 Robert Friedland
2006-08-15 Scouring Scum and Tar from the Bottom of the Pit (Peter Cizek)
2006-08-08 Coeur d'Alene Says Alaska Mine Suit Dismissed
2006-08-08 US Update
2006-08-08 US Update
2006-08-06 Appalachian Citizens Demonstrate at Governors Conference
2006-08-04 Errors understate mercury emissions
2006-08-04 Group says proposed N.S. quarry will hurt environment, tourism and fishery
2006-08-02 Related Story:
2006-08-02 De Beers Fights To Avoid Full-scale Review Of Diamond Project
2006-08-02 Suit Filed Over Paradise Coal-fired Plant in Kentucky
2006-07-31 Canada: First Nation wins landmark victory over Ontario mining company
2006-07-28 Platinex Inc. V. Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, [2006] O.j.
2006-07-13 No end to tailings disasters
2006-07-13 No End To Tailings Disasters
2006-07-10 Government Warned About Risk Of Mining Accidents Overseas
2006-07-10 Canada Update
2006-07-10 Court Battle Brings Native Land Rights To Fore Aboriginal Groups Say Province To Blame For Dispute
2006-07-10 Canada Update
2006-07-07 U.s. Superfund Law Applies To Canadian Company, Court Rules
2006-07-06 Human Rights Council Adopts Text for Indigenous Rights
2006-07-06 Human Rights Council Adopts Text for Indigenous Rights
2006-07-06 Cida Goes For The Gold
2006-06-30 Canada votes against native rights at UN
2006-06-29 Inco loses bid to have appeal of class-action suit heard by Supreme Court
2006-06-23 UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr.
2006-06-23 Iskut Women Stop Mining Company from Destroying Trout Spawning Stream
2006-06-16 First Nations Oppose Federal Government's Proposed Changes To Metal Mining Effluent Regulations
2006-06-16 Canadian Press: N.B. government kept residents in dark about lead contamination: council
2006-06-16 Belledune Update
2006-06-16 Province warned about Belledune health hazard, documents show
2006-06-16 Belledune Update
2006-06-15 Daily Gleaner | Provincial News
2006-06-15 Dear Friends and Colleagues,
2006-06-15 Conservation Council of New Brunswick News Release
2006-06-15 Report hints at decades-old Belledune coverup - Health minister pledges he'll study report's allegat
2006-06-10 In a nuclear fix
2006-06-10 Miners' health may be the cost of a nuclear future
2006-06-10 In a nuclear fix
2006-06-07 Arms and a hammer used against Canadian First Nation
2006-06-07 Arms and a hammer used against Canadian First Nation
2006-06-06 Uranium update: more slices of the yellowcake
2006-06-06 Global Nuclear Expansion Based on Plentiful Uranium Supply
2006-06-06 Uranium update: more slices of the yellowcake
2006-06-06 Prime Minister Howard Hustles Australia Down Nuclear Path
2006-06-05 UCIL exploring uranium ore in Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Karnataka
2006-06-02 Physical, Mental Health of 9/11 Survivors to Be Surveyed Again
2006-06-02 US Update
2006-06-02 US Update
2006-06-02 Canadian Mining Company to Assess Columbia River Contamination
2006-06-02 Teck Cominco to pay $20 million US for study of pollution of Columbia River
2006-06-01 Rio Tinto - revisiting the principles
2006-05-31 For further background see:
2006-05-31 BHPBilliton: earning praise - and condemnation
2006-05-31 BHPBilliton: earning praise - and condemnation
2006-05-31 Mining Firm Gives $8m Back To Tribe; Gift Ends Crandon Mine Saga
2006-05-29 Xstrata Brings The Green
2006-05-29 Inco Update
2006-05-29 Inco Ejected From The Financial Times
2006-05-26 Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation Says Ontario Mining Act Unconstitutional via MiningWatch
2006-05-25 The imperative to ban seabed mining
2006-05-24 Riches Calling From Deep Under The Ocean
2006-05-23 New Caledonia's Rheebu Nuu Lodges Corruption Complaint
2006-05-22 Ekati mineowners sue striking workers
2006-05-19 London Calling on a Canadian corporate scrap
2006-05-19 Feasibility study likely on bringing
2006-05-19 Statement from the Union of Northern Workers
2006-05-19 London Calling on a Canadian corporate scrap
2006-05-18 It's coal out there!
2006-05-18 Trashing Lafarge
2006-05-18 Trashing Lafarge
2006-05-18 Inco Hid Emissions Problem, Papers Reveal
2006-05-18 Groups demand Ontario kill toxic plan to burn tires and trash Data reveals up to 3,400% increase in
2006-05-18 For further information please read our Media Backgrounder or contact: Hauschild, President, Loyalis
2006-05-18 It's coal out there!
2006-05-17 Xstrata makes 52.50 cad all cash offer for Falconbridge
2006-05-17 Voisey's Bay Stalling Over First Contract: Union
2006-05-17 Xstrata: Wrong For Falconbridge, Workers And Sudbury
2006-05-16 BHP Billiton To Sell Peruvian Mine Tintaya To Xstrata In $750 Mln Stock-debt Deal
2006-05-11 Climate Change Update
2006-05-11 New Coal Technology Could Help Climate - US Expert
2006-05-11 Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Far Above Target
2006-05-11 Canada Must Quit as Chair of Kyoto Process - Greens
2006-05-11 Climate Change Update
2006-05-11 China, India are Fast-Growing Polluters - World Bank
2006-05-11 Kyoto Gives Poor Countries US$2.7 Billion Boost
2006-05-11 Carbon Market Grows 10 Fold, Needs Openness - World Bank
2006-05-08 Teck Cominco offers to buy Inco
2006-05-07 Canadian Roundup
2006-05-07 Canadian Roundup
2006-05-06 Ozzie Uprising
2006-05-05 Aussies make push to cash in on nuclear revival
2006-05-05 India Update
2006-05-05 India Update
2006-05-04 Green group accepts uranium mines
2006-05-02 De Beers Risks Losing Social License to Operate in Canada
2006-05-01 Mine Antarctica, says Joyce
2006-04-30 GOLD MINING - Eldorado starts up Kisladag mine
2006-04-28 Groups Lobby Alcan On Expansion Plans: B.c., Quebec Regions Eyed For Smelters
2006-04-27 North America Update
2006-04-27 Oil price rises fuel the return of coal
2006-04-24 2nd Canadian Mining Company Gets Permit To Drill Near Glacier
2006-04-14 Ontario Taxpayers Unprotected from Potential Costs of Cleaning Up $584 Million of Contaminated Sites
2006-04-08 Port family's civil case reaches courts
2006-03-26 Northern Dynasty Promises To Replace Fish Lost To Mining
2006-03-21 Government and northern First Nation agree on forum to discuss resourceissues
2006-03-15 India Update
2006-03-13 India To Source Diamonds From Canada
2006-03-06 Latin American Update
2006-03-06 PERU: "A toxic bargain"
2006-03-06 Latin American Update
2006-03-06 Comment from Paula Palmer of Global Response:
2006-03-03 Political Fallout from the Mexico Mine Disaster
2006-03-03 First Legal Action in Chile to Prevent Pascua Lama Mining Project
2006-03-03 Support Indigenous Peoples vs. Coal Mines / Venezuela
2006-03-02 Mexican mining, refining crippled by national strike
2006-03-01 Xstrata heaps up profits and digs into Colombia
2006-03-01 New Donkin Mine Owner Linked to Human Rights Abuses in Colombia
2006-02-26 San Juancito: From Mining Emporium to Ghost Town
2006-02-23 India & Canada Exploring Cooperation In Diamond Mining
2006-02-22 Stakes are high as miners and natives square off
2006-02-20 Extracting Intellects
2006-02-16 Sources: Alcoa’s Global Record: Mark Meredith, “alcoa And You”, Trinidad And Tobag
2006-01-18 Unions call for strike against BHPBilliton in Canada
2006-01-16 Mining crimes against humanity
2006-01-16 Mining crimes against humanity
2006-01-16 New Mine poses contamination risk
2006-01-12 Mining a Dirty Business in More Ways Than One
2006-01-11 Killing miners isn't accidental
2006-01-11 Killing miners isn't accidental
2006-01-09 Fines in mining deaths cut back
2006-01-08 Mining offences punished lightly
2006-00-15 Rotterdam Treaty Killed by Asbestos Disease!
2005-11-18 Inco Can Be Sued by Ontario Residents, Court Rules
2005-11-15 Dalhousie, Canada - Noranda's heavy metal contamination
2005-11-08 Canadian Government and TVI Pacific
2005-11-01 Native groups rally against mining in north
2005-10-28 Kairos urges government action in mining abroad
2005-10-28 Kairos urges government action in mining abroad
2005-10-28 Government action urged over Canadian Mining
2005-10-28 A committee of the Canadian House of Commons has just started "Hearings Across the Country"
2005-10-27 Student leaders boycott degree for Inco boss
2005-10-27 Memorial University Honouring Hand of Inco While Ignoring Hurt of Many
2005-10-27 Student leaders boycott degree for Inco boss
2005-10-26 Updates on mining in China
2005-10-26 Hong Kong-based China Labour Bulletin (CLB) has demanded the immediate release of a journalist, arre
2005-10-26 Saskatchewan says China itching to acquire oil, uranium assets
2005-10-22 CANADA: MPs Call for Tougher Rules on Overseas Mines
2005-10-21 Graduate Students' Union boycotts MUN Convocation
2005-10-21 Convocation Controversy
2005-10-21 Student leaders boycott degree for Inco boss
2005-10-21 Urgently needed: mining ethics
2005-10-20 Pressure mounts on MUN's President Meisen to answer allegations of human rights abuse by partner Inc
2005-10-20 Plugging a gaping mining hole
2005-10-19 Liberals reject all-party call to regulate mining overseas
2005-10-15 Cozy with corporations
2005-10-12 Mining assets of the new Inco Ltd.
2005-10-12 Nickel miners set to change? Or the same old story?
2005-10-12 Nickel miners set to change? Or the same old story?
2005-10-12 Interview - Norilsk will Become Cleaner, but not Overnight
2005-10-04 Amnesty International’s submission regarding Canadian Mining Companies and Human Rights
2005-10-04 Please note that this journalist got two things wrong, the amount of the
2005-10-04 This is actually a very nice story as it accurately covers the press confernce we did Tuesday, excep
2005-10-04 Marinduque demanda a una compañía minera canadiense en Las Vegas
2005-09-28 Protests and Blockades Continue Against Inco in Indonesia
2005-09-16 Inco protests held around the world
2005-09-16 Inco protests held around the world
2005-09-07 Mine road blockade rooted in Tahltan dispute
2005-09-07 Mine road blockade rooted in Tahltan dispute
2005-09-05 Tahltan remain committed despite injunction
2005-09-05 RCMP Poised to Arrest Tahltan Elders and Youth at the Klappan Blockade
2005-08-23 Mining marriage a messy affair for Xstrata and Falconbridge
2005-08-23 Mining marriage a messy affair for Xstrata and Falconbridge
2005-08-16 Falconbridge becomes quarry for takeover after Xstrata deal Swiss miner scoops up Brascan holding, r
2005-08-16 Testing the sterling in Glencore's record
2005-08-16 King of Zug' reigns over trading network - Controversial Marc Rich has long been a part of the buyi
2005-08-15 Uranium Special - On Infinitely Dangerous Grounds
2005-08-15 Updates on uranium special
2005-08-15 The Million Year Baby: In Argentina Uranium-Polluted Water Is "Legally Safe to Drink"
2005-08-08 Baker Lake Reacting To News Of Uranium Exploration Plans
2005-07-19 Telegraph Elders, Tl'ab_not'_n Clan and Iskut First Nations Block the passage of heavy Industrial Eq
2005-07-13 Action Alert: Parliamentry Committee Wants the Government of Canada to Stop Supporting Destructive M
2005-07-13 Appel à la Mobilisation Immédiate: Comité Parlementaire Demande que le Gouverne
2005-07-13 Action Alert: Parliament Wants the Government of Canada to Stop Supporting Destructive Mining Projec
2005-06-27 Proposal to reopen old B.C. mine causes Canada-U.S. friction
2005-06-27 Proposal to reopen old B.C. mine causes Canada-U.S. friction
2005-06-23 Success! Canadian Parliamentary Committee tables a Constructive Report on Corporate Responsibility a
2005-06-23 Canadian Parliamentary Committee tables a Constructive Report on Corporate Responsibility and TVI Pa
2005-06-22 Veinte Países Actúan Para Protegerse Del Radón, Letal Gas Radioactivo
2005-06-20 Tulsequah can't meet federal discharge orders
2005-06-19 Outer space and outta control - the mining of space
2005-06-19 Outer space and outta control
2005-06-18 Corporate Mining's influence on academia - comment
2005-06-18 Corporate Mining's influence on academia - comment
2005-06-09 quot;NASA wants our mining expertise Mining called key to colonization of space" - my respons
2005-06-08 Race to Mars will benefit Sudbury - Some technology needed to reach red planet will be developed he
2005-05-25 Canada's Commission For Environmental Cooperation Has Named The Key Toxic Polluters
2005-05-25 Doe Run Smelter Poisons Peru Town-residents
2005-05-25 Lead coffins - Mining companies accused of lead poisoning in North America and Peru
2005-05-18 International Investment Complaint Filed Against Canadian Mining Company
2005-05-17 Northern Dynasty, the Canadian corporation attempting to develop the Pebble Mine in Alaska also eng
2005-04-30 Dirty coal stories on the homefront
2005-04-27 Canadian Mining Company at Odds with Mexican Locals
2005-04-26 Canadian mine strikes lode of unrest
2005-04-26 Canadian mine strikes lode of unrest in Guatemala
2005-04-15 Canada hosts the world's highest-grade uranium deposits. The Inter-Church (inter-denominational) Ura
2005-04-15 Guatemala: Government and Montana - a glittering alliance
2005-04-13 Alcan workers at Kitimat, B.C., refuse to smelt alumina from Orissa, India
2005-04-13 Alcan workers at Kitimat, B.C., refuse to smelt alumina from Orissa, India
2005-04-06 China Tries to Stem Flow of Coal Mine Disasters
2005-04-04 Globalization gone horribly wrong
2005-04-03 South Africans, Canadians Leading PNG Mining Expansion
2005-04-01 Indigenous Authorities From The Western Highlands: "mining And The Patrimony Of Indigenous Peoples"
2005-03-31 China Says Environment Spending Falls Short
2005-03-26 The Dirty Story of Where we Get our Coal
2005-03-26 The Dirty Story of Where we Get our Coal
2005-03-15 Marinduque sues big Canadian mining company in Las Vegas
2005-03-09 Study Says Canadian Smelter Polluting US Lake
2005-03-07 For further information: Fred McMahon,
2005-03-07 Mining executives rate the investment climate of jurisdictions around the world
2005-03-07 If you're a Canadian or Australian mining company, once again this year you're advised to stay at h
2005-03-05 Canadian Ex-Prime Minister influence peddling for Canadian firms
2005-03-05 Aside from those mining companies which are named below, it is noteworthy that an oil company whose
2005-03-02 STARM Raises The Alarm on Entry of Foreign Partner Into Lepanto Mines
2005-02-25 Tahltan Elders Press Release February 25, 2005
2005-02-17 Tahltan Elders Media Release February 17, 2005
2005-02-15 Canadian mining around the world
2005-02-15 The following is an open letter written about the role of Canadian mining companies around the worl
2005-02-10 Tahltan Elders Statement "Dena nenn Sogga neh 'ine" (Protectors or Keepers of the Land)
2005-02-10 Tahltan Chief Jerry Asp Removed from Office by Elders
2005-02-10 Orchid to buy copper giant
2005-02-10 Elders continue demand: "Tahltan chief step down" - Tahltan Band Office Occupation (Day 2
2005-02-09 The Public Has a Right to Know the Toxins Produced by Mining
2005-02-09 La population est en droit de savoir quelles sont les toxines découlant de l'activité
2005-02-09 The Public Has a Right to Know the Toxins Produced by Mining
2005-02-07 Chinese Coal Mining Update
2005-02-05 Elders with e-mail -- government and industry take note
2005-01-31 Investors drawn to China despite risks
2005-01-31 China Coal Crunch Expected to Worsen
2005-01-27 Canada Worried by China Buying its Resources
2005-01-27 China Hikes Penalties on Illegal Coal Mining
2005-01-27 China Using Environment Rules To Help Cool Economy
2005-01-26 Ramu Project Nudged
2005-01-25 quot;Jerry Asp, You are no longer Chief of the Tahltan People"
2005-01-24 Tahltan Chief Jerry Asp Removed from Office by Elders
2005-01-24 Tahltan Protestors Occupy Band Office
2005-01-20 China's Go West Campaign and Globalisation: Tibet's mines up for sale in the international market
2005-01-15 1] Lepanto A Shares Are Limited To Local Investors While Lepanto B Shares May Be Bought By Foreign
2005-01-13 China contradictions
2005-01-13 China contradictions
2005-01-13 Mining a magnet for China's overseas investment
2005-01-07 Half of China's overseas investment falls in Latin America
2005-01-05 Platinum galore: remote island of Unst gets ready for a boom in precious metals
2005-01-05 In northern climes
2005-01-05 In northern climes
2004-12-10 Environmental cover-ups continue in mining industry, says Chief Thomas
2004-11-26 Minmetals meets Noranda
2004-11-21 Canada's export of asbestos harmful to poor countries
2004-11-16 Response to the Canadian Ambassador from the MadreSelva Collective:
2004-11-16 Canadian Government & Mining Companies Pursuing Guatemalan Riches
2004-11-16 RIGHTS ACTION, with its main office in Guatemala, is tax-charitable NGO that supports community deve
2004-11-16 Rechazan actividad minera en San Marcos
2004-11-16 Para acceder a una versión en español de este artículo, siga el siguiente
2004-11-10 A US court has ruled in favour of the native American Colville Nation and against Teck-Cominco, in
2004-11-10 Teck Cominco Will Appeal Columbia River Pollution Ruling
2004-11-05 Response to the Canadian Ambassador from the MadreSelva Collective: Mining in Guatemala
2004-11-04 Opposition to Mining Activity in San Marcos
2004-11-04 FEATURE ARTICLE: "Mining in Canada."
2004-10-23 Chinese companies advance across the globe
2004-09-22 Further Asbestos Updates
2004-09-22 Further asbestos updates
2004-09-21 Class Action Lawsuit against Inco reaches Court of Appeal
2004-09-15 Mpp, Union Want Change For Workers: 1,980 People Have Died Of Work-related Cancer
2004-08-31 First Nations blockade Highway 955 in protest
2004-08-05 Dirty Gold..?
2004-08-05 Placer Dome and Corporate Social Responsibility: A response on Placer Dome
2004-08-05 Placer Dome and Corporate Social Responsibility: A response to
2004-07-26 The benefits of trading places between Inco & WWF
2004-07-21 London Calling - July 21 2004
2004-06-03 Power Plants Top Canada - US Air Polluters, Watchdog Says
2004-06-02 London Calling! June 2 2004
2004-06-02 London Calling - June 2 2004
2004-05-26 Proposed diamond mine sparks concern
2004-05-15 Stopping a World According to Inco
2004-04-22 Inco aims to revive dividends - Company wants to launch Goro, Voisey first
2004-04-22 A personal note of proceedings from an attendee at the Inco 2004 AGM
2004-04-22 Reports on protests at Inco AGM 2004
2004-04-22 ALCAN Commits to Releasing Documents Regarding Controversial Indian Project
2004-04-22 Reports on Inco AGM 2004
2004-04-21 Inco's Mineral Concessions in Guatemala Violate International Agreements and Peace Accords
2004-04-21 Inco Violates Fundamental Rights of New Caledonia's Indigenous Kanak People - Kanak Leaders Visit
2004-04-21 Media Contacts: Tracy Glynn, Mining Advocacy Network, JATAM, Tel: (709)-739-5120, Email:
2004-04-20 Further Press Releases on Inco AGM 2004
2004-04-20 Further press releases on Inco AGM 2004
2004-04-19 Inco Affected Communities to Protest Inco's Abusive Mining Practices at Annual Shareholders' Meeting
2004-04-17 Kashipur Solidarity TEACH-IN
2004-04-09 For more info, contact:
2004-04-09 Background
2004-04-09 Taking the Fight to the Alcan Suits! Announcement from "Alcan't in India" campaign
2004-04-09 We Can Win This! Taking the Fight to the Alcan Suits!
2004-04-09 On Peut Gagner ! Portons la Lutte Jusqu'aux Propriétaires d'Alcan !
2004-04-09 Contaminated slag sparks debate in Canada
2004-04-05 Are diamonds a Cree's best friend?
2004-03-30 Jean's jaunts
2004-03-18 Fording Coal to push ahead with Cheviot mine plan
2004-03-18 Fording Coal to push ahead with Cheviot mine plan
2004-03-18 Fording Coal to push ahead with Cheviot mine plan
2004-03-16 Argentina minister woos Canadian mining sector
2004-03-16 Argentina minister woos Canadian mining sector
2004-03-16 The Rural Society of Comodoro Rivadavia (Chubut) has denounced external interference in Chubut, noti
2004-03-15 Updates on Chinese ventures abroad: India, Australia, Indonesia, Eritrea
2004-03-12 Water not tested for Nickel in Sudbury, Canada
2004-03-08 Aquiline files claim for Navidad
2004-03-01 Ontario Government Settles Lawsuit over Port Colborne Nickel Pollution
2004-02-23 Industry expects mining standards to tighten
2004-02-17 Gabriel's Rosia Montana project: Effectively Dead
2004-02-17 Gabriel's Rosia Montana project: Effectively Dead
2004-02-17 Canadian study of Romanian mine's impact gets delayed
2004-02-16 Arvida workers agree to shutdown
2004-02-13 Why is government not enforcing Voisey's Bay agreement?
2004-02-12 Workers operate Alcan smelter despite closure plan
2004-02-05 Workers in Québec seize Alcan smelter
2004-02-05 Workers in Québec seize Alcan smelter
2004-01-22 Top Court Rules for EPA on Teck Alaskan Mine Permit
2003-12-19 Teck fight with EPA sparks worry on US projects
2003-12-17 London Calling - December 17 2003
2003-12-17 London Calling! December 17 2003
2003-12-15 Inco study shows abnormal disease in refinery town
2003-11-21 BANI Condemns Indian Government's Double Speak on Asbestos
2003-11-21 Ban Asbestos Network of India Condemns Indian Government's Double Speak on Asbestos
2003-11-21 Ban Asbestos Network of India Condemns Indian Government's Double Speak on Asbestos
2003-11-11 The Promoter - Robert Friedland in Forbes
2003-11-10 Canadian greens protest Noranda aluminum smelter
2003-11-01 Inco Ltd. is accused of polluting Grassy Creek near Levack Mine
2003-10-08 Kanakay-Nouvelle Caledonie Goro Nickel
2003-10-08 Inco subject of worldwide protest
2003-10-08 Indonesia - Jakarta
2003-10-08 Indonesia
2003-10-08 World Day on Inco: Reports from Across the World
2003-10-08 World Day on Inco: Reports from Across the World
2003-10-07 Marching against Inco in Sulawesi
2003-10-07 Kanaky-New Caledonia Goro Nickel
2003-10-07 Global Protests Target Inco - Word Day of Action Against Inco
2003-10-07 Global Protests Target Inco
2003-10-07 About Environmental Defence Canada
2003-10-07 Indonesia South Sulawesi
2003-10-07 FIRST ANNUAL "WORLD UNITES AGAINST INCO" (2003) Request signing of the following letter..
2003-10-07 Indonesia Central Sulawesi
2003-10-06 Declaration of the Q'eqchi' Communities Regarding Mining Concessions Held by Inco
2003-10-02 Thirty years - and justice still denied
2003-10-02 Community Statement on Inco in Sulawesi: Thirty years - and justice still denied
2003-09-26 Global Union Group Commits to Bring Rogue Company Rio Tinto to Justice, Reaffirms Solidarity
2003-09-26 Trade unionists impacted by the policies and practices of Rio Tinto have confirmed the need for the
2003-09-24 Wilson defends Rio Tinto's global operations
2003-09-23 War Crimes Court Eyes 'Blood Diamond' Buyers
2003-09-15 The World Unites Against Inco
2003-09-13 Canadians demand total ban on asbestos
2003-08-03 Gabriel Resources' Latest Rebel: The Royal Bank of Canada
2003-07-30 A Tragedy That Refuses to Die
2003-07-26 Inco Must Clean Up Its Act! - Government
2003-07-24 Inco Limited Named Worst Mining Polluter In Canada
2003-07-24 About Pollutionwatch
2003-07-24 Inco Limited Named Worst Mining Polluter in Canada (24 Jul 03) International Groups Decry Barrick Go
2003-07-23 Algonquins Issue Legal Warning Over Adams Mine Water Permits
2003-07-15 Up against the Red Shield
2003-06-25 Ottawa to Lean on Ivanhoe
2003-06-18 Federal Government Proposal Gives Mining, Oil and Gas Industries Gift
2003-06-12 CLC and ICEM Call on Ivanhoe Mines to Withdraw from Burma
2003-06-05 Call for Ban on Canadian Investments in Burma
2003-06-04 Port Colborne residents protest Inco over alleged contamination of their air
2003-06-04 Inco Test Results Confirm High Cancer Risks Inside Port Colborne Homes
2003-06-04 Inco: we can't meet nickel contracts
2003-06-04 Various articles on Inco strike in Canada
2003-06-03 Dump Inco, buy Falconbridge, Toronto analyst tells his clients
2003-06-03 6500 strikers close Inco facilities to other workers
2003-05-20 "Barrick Gold, Go Home!" Say Protesters
2003-05-14 Merits of soil study questioned
2003-05-14 Inco charged in death - Company and supervisor charged death at refinery
2003-05-07 Barrick Gold Shareholders May Not Be Too Impressed
2003-04-30 Three Communities Protest at Placer Dome AGM
2003-04-17 Inco faces 'dirt bag' protest at meeting
2003-04-17 Inco faces 'dirt bag' protest at meeting
2003-04-17 This article can be viewed at
2003-04-11 Environment and Human Rights Linked Before UN Commission
2003-02-22 Pollution Probe urges Inco, Falconbridge to make cuts to sulphur dioxide releases
2003-02-14 Inco Fined for Three Sulpher Dioxide Releases
2003-02-02 London Calling - February 2 2003
2003-02-02 London Calling! February 2 2003
2003-01-10 I noticed your coverage of the work by my student, Chris Somers, and collaborators and me. I appreci
2003-01-10 Dear Editor:
2003-01-10 Response to company press release on air pollution damage
2003-01-08 Canadian companies may be wreaking havoc with public lending
2002-12-16 Canadian mine gets OK, despite Alaska worries
2002-12-10 Air pollution damages across generations
2002-12-10 Bad air a 'genetic risk' - Mac shows mutated genes hereditary
2002-12-10 Air pollution damages across generations
2002-12-10 The following are further summaries and sources for further data on this issue, followed by a rebut
2002-12-09 quot;Air pollution induces heritable DNA mutations" by Christopher M. Somers, Carole L. Yauk,
2002-12-09 Study Looks at Pollution, Gene Mutations
2002-12-02 INCO Limited Fined $5,000 for Discharge from Garson Mine
2002-11-22 Three recent court cases give the lie to "best practice"
2002-11-22 Ninety million dollar suit registered against Boliden
2002-11-22 Three recent court cases give the lie to "best practice"
2002-11-01 Whitehorse Star, November 1, 2002
2002-09-25 Church group wins fight against uranium mine
2002-09-25 Church group wins fight against uranium mine
2002-09-25 Jamie Kneen Communications Coordinator
2002-06-15 The World Unites Against Inco: Backgrounder
2001-05-23 In response to our recent coverage of
2001-05-23 Protesta Mundial contra Inco
2001-05-01 Placer Dome agrees to fine in 2002 Musselwhite fatality
2001-05-01 Canadian Press: Clean up properties contaminated by N.B.
2001-05-01 Judge's Ruling Gives W.R. Grace a Break: Attic Insulation Found Not a Risk to Homeowners
2001-05-01 Urgent Action - Tell Canadian Noranda Inc. President and CEO that you want the company to save Patag
2001-05-01 Cameco Plant Closed Until At Least November
2001-05-01 Coal Mine Accidents Underreported to Protect Livelihoods
2001-04-23 Terreno Peligroso al Infinito - Edición Especial sobre Uranio
2001-04-23 available in Spanish
2001-04-23 Icucec Rehusó Apelar Ante La Corte El Caso Lake Mcclean
2001-04-23 Mas información sobre Environmental Defence Canada:

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