MAC: Mines and Communities

TVI Pacific

TVI Pacific has 421 articles

2017-05-10 Philippines - Gina Lopez: the miners strike back
2016-12-31 Philippines: New policies but will they be implemented?
2016-10-27 More Philippine miners threatened with suspension under crackdown
2016-05-04 Philippines: Mining executive hostage murdered
2016-04-04 Philippines - "We would rather die fighting"
2016-03-06 "Canadian Mining Kills" say activists at a vigil inside mining convention
2016-01-04 Philippines: A year of mining dangerously
2015-10-31 Mining-related violence ignites protests in the Philippines
2015-05-26 Philippines: Indigenous activist 'disappears' in the company of mining guards
2014-11-18 Philippines - Remembering the victims of extra-judicial killings and typhoon Haiyan
2014-09-10 Philippines: New moves to ban unprocessed ore
2014-04-06 More mining-related murders in the Philippines
2014-03-19 Filipinos curse their 'Mining Hell'
2013-08-14 Philippines: Glencore Xstrata further delayed over Tampakan
2012-12-04 Philippines: Seeking the truth about killings of indigenous activists
2012-11-19 Philippines: Visiting Canadian MP told to regulate mining companies
2012-11-05 Philippines: Gold, Copper and Death
2012-10-08 Philippines Mining: Damning Conclusions
2012-09-12 Gunmen kill Jordan Manda, son of Filipino anti-mining activist
2012-08-28 Philippines: Indigenous advocate resigns over mining legislation
2012-08-01 Philippines: Mining murders continue, no justice in sight
2012-04-24 Filipino priest rewarded for his work on mining
2012-04-11 Philippines: Mining abuses continue with no promised changes in the law
2012-03-27 'Philippine Mining Act cannot be saved by executive order'
2012-02-28 Philippines: Indigenous peoples point the way on mining
2012-01-31 Philippines: 'Defending the Dignity of Life, Securing our Future'
2012-01-10 Philippines: Another natural disaster reignites the mining debate
2011-12-20 Philippines: 2011 - a hard year for mining
2011-11-30 Philippines: Potential new policies, but same old stories
2011-11-14 Philippines: Where is the safety?
2011-08-23 Philippines Indigenous Peoples celebrate ... but still some way to go
2011-07-11 Law and disorder: Justice for Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines?
2011-05-24 Canadian company TVI submits to Philippine tribal justice
2009-11-30 Canadian mining firms face abuse allegations
2009-06-08 Philippines: Charter change might lead to more abuses of indigenous peoples’ rights – Amnesty
2009-05-18 Philippines "alternative mining" legislation proposed
2009-02-23 Philippines report: rice and water sacrificed to mining; moratorium demanded
2009-02-23 Mining blasts worry Subanen people
2009-01-26 Philippines - putting a "spin" on bad mining news
2009-01-26 Canadian mining's notorious reputation in the Philippines not recognised back home
2008-11-24 Philippine tribe wins official status in mining struggle
2008-11-10 "Respect Our Rights": Subanon reiterate call to Philippine government
2008-02-09 Philippines update
2008-01-31 Philippines update
2007-10-10 Philippines update
2007-09-27 Philippines update
2007-09-15 Philippine Government To Address Accusations Of Rights Violations
2007-09-11 Philippines update
2007-09-11 United Nations Body Writes To Philippine Government
2007-09-10 Calgary Mining Firm Wrecks Havoc In The Philippines
2007-09-09 Provincial Legislators Criticise Tvi For Press Manipulation
2007-08-21 Groups Tell United Nations Committee That The Philippine Government Fails To Respect Ip's Rights
2007-08-21 Philippines update
2007-08-12 Church And Local Government Joins Against Destructive Mining
2007-08-12 Bishop Of Dipolog Dismayed Over His Meeting With Canadian Embassy Officials In Manila
2007-08-10 Philippines Update
2007-08-10 Philippines Update
2007-08-06 Fear Of Mining Contamination Hounds Villagers
2007-08-01 Anti-mining Group Joins Calls Against Arroyos In "green Committees"
2007-07-31 Canatuan Community Stands By The Reported Tvi Sulphide Dam Collapse
2007-07-21 Philippines Update
2007-07-21 Philippines Update
2007-07-19 Philippines To Probe Claim Of Dam Failure At Tvi Pacific's Mine
2007-07-19 Ngo Reports Breach In Zambo Mine Tailings Dam
2007-07-18 Mine Dam Collapse Threatens To Pollute Mindanao's Rivers
2007-07-18 Letter To Inquirer - Responding To Tvi’s ‘side’ On Canatuan Mining Row
2007-07-17 Letter From Timuay Jose Boy Anoy, Reply To July 7 Inquirer Letter Of Tvi Rocky Dimaculangan
2007-07-16 Revenue-sharing Plan Confuses Mining Firms
2007-07-13 Philippines Update
2007-07-11 Response From Timuay Fernando Mudai To Tvi Inquirer Letter
2007-07-05 Tvi Explains Side On Canatuan Mining Row
2007-06-24 Philippines Update
2007-06-24 Philippines Update
2007-06-23 Pro-TVI Member of the Siocon Council of Elders Admits Misrepresentation and Pays Penalty to Legitima
2007-06-22 Subanon Leader accuses TVI’s CREDO of lying
2007-06-22 TVI Apologizes for Human Rights Violations
2007-06-22 Subanon refuse consent to TVI
2007-06-22 TVI and NCIP’s FPIC team accuse each other of negligence
2007-06-20 TVI executive ask forgiveness for human rights violations committed by the company to the Subanon tr
2007-06-01 Philippines Update
2007-06-01 Philippines update
2007-05-15 Canada's Mining Companies: It's The Government's Turn
2007-05-09 Philippines update
2007-05-09 Rusina solidifies DMCI partnership for Acoje project
2007-05-09 Pastoral letter to voters issued by 7 prelates
2007-05-09 Philippines update
2007-05-09 APC Mining files for exploration permit in Palawan
2007-05-08 Pastoral Statement on 2007 Election and Environment Agenda
2007-05-07 Boxxer Acquires Option to Purchase 65% of Philippines Gold Project
2007-05-07 Subanon Accuse TVI of "Lying Again"
2007-05-07 Indophil looks for more mines after Xstrata sale
2007-05-02 Jinchuan ups $1-B offer for Philnico
2007-04-30 Philippines bishops decry Canadian mining firm's tactics
2007-03-25 Philippines Update
2007-03-25 Philippines update
2007-03-24 Indigenous Tribesmen [and Women!] Threaten To Campaign V. Team Unity
2007-03-22 Stop Mining Tibet Day of Action - March 22 2007
2007-03-22 Stop Mining Tibet Day of Action - March 22 2007
2007-03-22 National organizers:
2007-03-22 Mining Company Headquarters
2007-03-14 On The Appointment Of Ncip Commissioner For Region Ix Legal Rights And Natural Resources Center
2007-02-17 Philippines update
2007-02-13 Philippine Gold Enchants But Does Not Enrich
2007-02-09 Philippines Update
2007-02-09 Philippines update
2007-02-02 Un Representative For Indigenous Peoples To Hear Hr Cases
2007-02-01 Armed Employees Of Canadian Mining Firm Tvi Pacific Beat Subanon Leader's Daughter
2007-01-26 Report Cites Dangers Of Rp Mining Policies
2007-01-25 Philippines Update
2007-01-25 Philippines update
2007-01-20 Nature For Life
2007-01-20 Lumads Voice Alarm On Mining Firm Entry
2006-12-24 Philippines Update
2006-12-24 Philippines Update
2006-12-18 Prosecutor Dismissed Libel Case Of Tvi Allies Vs. Bishop Jose R. Manguiran & Eight Others
2006-12-02 Philippines Update
2006-12-02 Philippines Update
2006-12-01 Lafayette's Rapu Rapu project damaged
2006-11-28 Bishop, priest sued for after exposing transnational mining practices
2006-11-24 Foreign mining firms to operate in Diwalwal
2006-11-23 Bishops' help to be sought versus Colet
2006-11-22 Mayor refutes landslide, soil erosion reports in Sipalay
2006-11-22 Manila says 27 mining firms eyeing Diwalwal gold
2006-11-22 Rapu-Rapu, make or break for mining
2006-11-20 Government seeks to raise share in mines
2006-11-20 Bad mining image traced to spills
2006-11-19 Reyes asks mining investors to reach out to communities
2006-11-19 Philippines Update
2006-11-19 Philippines Update
2006-11-15 Strive for 'infra success,' Duke of York prods RP
2006-11-15 Canada Update
2006-11-14 The Social Licence To Mine: Passing The Test
2006-11-11 Paying Pro-tvi Canadian Mining Rally
2006-11-11 Church And Government Leader Calls Tvi Pacific A 'liar'
2006-11-11 Philippines Update
2006-11-02 Philippines Update
2006-11-02 Philippines Update
2006-11-01 A Failed Promise - The Dumingag Case
2006-10-22 Philippines Update
2006-10-22 Philippines Update
2006-10-04 Bishop's Mining Committee Reaffirms The Tvi Resource Development Philippines Lies
2006-09-11 Philippines Update
2006-09-10 China Update
2006-09-10 China Update
2006-09-09 ABN Amro: Bad Credit! Get Out of Lafayette Mine
2006-09-09 Canadians Targeted for Controversial Tibet Investments
2006-09-09 Philippines Update
2006-09-09 Philippines Update
2006-09-08 China 2004 Pollution Clean-Up Cost Put at US$136 Billion
2006-09-08 Environmental Groups blast Lafayette and DENR for Test-Run Extension Plans
2006-09-07 Foreign firms keen on Lafayette mine
2006-09-07 China Lead Smelter Poisons 2,000 - Paper
2006-09-06 London-based environmentalists clarify role for responsible mining activities
2006-09-06 Government asked: Stay as regulator, stop being promoter of mining
2006-09-06 Indigenous people's rights activist slain
2006-09-05 China puts Zambia mine investment on hold over Taiwan
2006-09-03 Philippines Update
2006-09-03 Philippines Update
2006-08-30 DENR gives go-signal to Lafayette mining
2006-08-27 Greenpeace to Lafayette: So sue us
2006-08-26 Save Our Seas (SOS) Alliance bares plan to file raps at the United Nations Human Rights Council
2006-08-24 Greenpeace reports of contamination in Rapu-Rapu
2006-08-23 Caraga natives decry mining, logging
2006-08-21 2 docu films tell of Mindoro fight for environment
2006-08-21 Crew - UK firm buys option of S. Cotabato coal project
2006-08-20 Mining companies will ruin’ the Philippines, warns MP
2006-08-18 Miners behaving badly abroad
2006-08-18 Philippines Update
2006-08-13 African workers now resent Chinese influx
2006-08-10 Statement from communities over Mining
2006-08-08 Coeur d'Alene Says Alaska Mine Suit Dismissed
2006-08-08 US Update
2006-08-08 US Update
2006-08-06 Appalachian Citizens Demonstrate at Governors Conference
2006-08-04 Errors understate mercury emissions
2006-08-04 Group says proposed N.S. quarry will hurt environment, tourism and fishery
2006-08-02 Suit Filed Over Paradise Coal-fired Plant in Kentucky
2006-07-29 Philippines Update
2006-07-29 Philippines Update
2006-07-28 Canada-based Mining Firm Pursues Expansion
2006-07-15 Philippines Update
2006-07-15 All Biak-na-Bato quarrying stopped
2006-07-15 Philippines Update
2006-07-15 Fears raised over mining dam in danger of collapse
2006-07-12 Urgent Action - Community members injured as Canadian Mining Company demolishes their home
2006-07-12 Gov't orders evaluation of mining sites after waste spill
2006-07-12 Sample letter:-
2006-07-12 Philippines Update
2006-07-11 Mining firm starts 30-day test run
2006-07-10 Greenpeace statement on the resumption of Lafayette's operations
2006-07-10 Bishop, Bicolanos and environmental activists condemn resumption of Lafayette mining operation
2006-07-07 Changing gov't policies to deter mine investors
2006-06-29 Biak-na-Bato destruction scored
2006-06-26 Philippines Update
2006-06-26 TVI takes Hostage Four Injured Residents
2006-06-26 Affected Communities Launch Anti-TVI Resource Development Philippines Campaign
2006-06-26 Philippines Update
2006-06-25 Philippines Update
2006-06-25 Philippines Update
2006-06-23 Biak-na-Bato mining put to a halt
2006-06-22 Philippines mulls tough mining regulations
2006-06-22 China Update
2006-06-17 Church, NGOs call for Reyes' resignation over Lafayette
2006-06-17 Philippines Update
2006-06-17 Philippines Update
2006-06-16 Time for the mining industry to clean up its act
2006-06-15 The Peoples' Declaration Against Tvi And Other Aggressive Mining
2006-06-14 Rebels threaten to disrupt Philippines mining operation
2006-05-26 Philippines Update
2006-05-26 Philippines Update
2006-05-26 Philippines' Mining Down In The Dumps
2006-05-26 Foreign Miners Want Gov't By Their Side
2006-05-25 Rp Ranks 125th In International Environmental Protection Index
2006-05-24 Church Group Demands The Provincial Government Stop Tvi Mining Operation
2006-05-24 500 Barangay And Chapel Leaders Declare Against Tvi's Entry
2006-04-28 Philippines Update
2006-04-28 Philippines Update
2006-04-27 TVI mining firm denies Subanens' accusations
2006-04-26 Mindanaoans band to oppose large-scale mining
2006-04-24 Mining Act's Constitutionality to Deprive RP of Economic Gains - SC Urged to Reverse Ruling on R.A.
2006-04-24 Tribesmen ask MGB to cancel mining permit
2006-04-22 Church worried over increasing militarization of SK town
2006-04-21 Philippines Update
2006-04-15 Mindanao Convergence Of Advocates for an Alternative Mining Policy
2006-04-12 Zambo Norte Subanens Sue Canadian Mining Firm
2006-04-06 Philippines Update
2006-04-06 Philippines Update
2006-03-30 Philippines Update
2006-03-30 Philippines Update
2006-03-28 In Siocon, Subanens Continue Struggle Vs Canadian Mining Firm
2006-03-15 Government Moves To Boost Mining Industry
2006-02-23 Levy is Part of the Crooks That Sold Mines - Sata
2006-02-10 BHPBilliton disregarded warnings over Iraq deal
2006-02-01 Philippine protests proliferate
2006-01-29 A Statement On Mining Issues And Concerns By The Catholic Bishops Conference, Philippines
2006-01-29 Cbcp For Poll Reforms, Vs No-el - Expresses Its Belief That Mining Destroys Life
2006-01-20 Defend our Land and Patrimony! Defend our Future! - An Interfaith Statement of the Peoples of Mindan
2006-01-20 Defend our Land and Patrimony! Defend our Future! - An Interfaith Statement of the Peoples of Mindan
2006-01-19 Mindanao Lumads Defend Ancestral Land vs Large-scale Mining
2006-01-15 Catholic bishops, churches back Lumads and Moro groups in anti-mining summit in Dipolog
2006-01-15 Notes to Editor
2006-01-11 Mining operations set back, says DENR
2006-01-11 Albay fishermen demand shutdown of mining firm
2006-01-11 DENR's 10.7 million peso fine is not enough!
2006-01-10 Lafayette update
2006-01-10 Lafayette update
2006-01-10 Aussie firm slapped P10.7M in fines for mine spills
2006-01-02 Mayors told: Don't blame Lafayette
2005-12-31 Protestors want Lafayette out of Albay
2005-12-31 Protestors want Lafayette out of Albay
2005-12-29 Most harmful ConCom proposal
2005-12-24 Lafayette backs fish scare probe in Sorsogon (Lafayette)
2005-12-14 Lafayette offer in demand (Lafayette)
2005-12-09 Human Rights And Extractive Industry
2005-12-09 Human Rights and extractive industry
2005-12-09 Joint Ngo Report On Human Rights And The Extractive Industry & Consultations
2005-12-09 For More Information On The Escr-net Corporate Accountability Working Group, We Encourage You To Vis
2005-12-09 China further opens up its minerals sector as protests escalate
2005-12-01 Lafayette looking for funds following delay
2005-11-30 Lafayette loses $5.5m after Rapu-Rapu spill accident
2005-11-30 Rapu Rapu cyanide spill threatens to derail government promotion of mining
2005-11-30 Rapu Rapu cyanide spill threatens to derail government promotion of mining
2005-11-30 From gold to dust
2005-11-27 Lafayette water tests tagged misleading
2005-11-23 Mayor vows to stop Lafayette mining
2005-11-15 Mine spill no accident, workers tell probe team
2005-11-15 Letter to the editor of the Philippine Daily Enquirer
2005-11-15 Mine spill no accident, workers tell probe team (15 Nov 05) Philippines High Court rules vs. full fo
2005-11-15 China: Opening Up The Minerals Sector To Foreign Investors
2005-11-12 Canadian Gov't Fails to Address Mining Abuses in Philippines
2005-11-11 Lafayette cyanide spill probed
2005-11-11 Australia Miner in Philippine Cyanide Leak Probe
2005-11-10 Lafayette gets please explain
2005-11-09 Bicolanos and environmental groups demand permanent closure of La Fayette mining in Rapu-rapu
2005-11-09 Bicolanos and environmental groups demand permanent closure of La Fayette mining in Rapu-rapu
2005-11-08 Canadian Government and TVI Pacific
2005-10-29 Mining, And The Threat To Indigenous Peoples And Environment
2005-10-29 Updates on mining in the Philippines
2005-10-28 Government action urged over Canadian Mining
2005-10-28 A committee of the Canadian House of Commons has just started "Hearings Across the Country"
2005-10-28 Kairos urges government action in mining abroad
2005-10-28 Kairos urges government action in mining abroad
2005-10-22 CANADA: MPs Call for Tougher Rules on Overseas Mines
2005-10-21 Urgently needed: mining ethics
2005-10-20 Plugging a gaping mining hole
2005-10-19 Liberals reject all-party call to regulate mining overseas
2005-10-15 Deepening crisis in Philippines over mining as it hosts the ASEAN Mining conference
2005-10-12 As Gma Ups Mining Agenda: Igorots Picket Asia Pacific Mining Conference
2005-10-11 Protesters Brought Own Shields To Defend Their Rights And National Patrimony
2005-10-11 An Illegitimate Government Has No Right To Deal On Matters Involving National Patrimony
2005-10-11 Do Not Deal With The Illegitimate Arroyo Government; Our National Patrimony Is Not For Sale!
2005-10-10 Mindanao Solon Says Confab Will Liberalize Further Rp's Mining Industry
2005-10-06 Grim Reality Behind Mining Investments
2005-10-04 Please note that this journalist got two things wrong, the amount of the
2005-10-04 Amnesty International’s submission regarding Canadian Mining Companies and Human Rights
2005-10-04 This is actually a very nice story as it accurately covers the press confernce we did Tuesday, excep
2005-10-04 Marinduque demanda a una compañía minera canadiense en Las Vegas
2005-09-29 Legitimacy of TVI Pacific’s right to mine questioned at Philippine Congressional Hearing
2005-07-20 Statements to the United Nations on TVI Pacific
2005-07-20 Statement to the Twenty Third session of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations
2005-07-13 Action Alert: Parliament Wants the Government of Canada to Stop Supporting Destructive Mining Projec
2005-07-13 Action Alert: Parliamentry Committee Wants the Government of Canada to Stop Supporting Destructive M
2005-07-13 Appel à la Mobilisation Immédiate: Comité Parlementaire Demande que le Gouverne
2005-06-23 Canadian Parliamentary Committee tables a Constructive Report on Corporate Responsibility and TVI Pa
2005-06-23 Success! Canadian Parliamentary Committee tables a Constructive Report on Corporate Responsibility a
2005-06-22 Statement of Concern On the Revitalization of Mining in the Philippines
2005-06-15 Rebels: Attack was a warning to rights abusers, mining firms
2005-06-10 Nature is Groaning - Diocesan Social Action Centers in the Face of the Mining Mania
2005-06-09 Guns, Goons, Gold: Mining Revitalisation Turns into a Bloody War
2005-06-09 Mining companies are among biggest tax evaders
2005-06-09 Declaración de preocupación frente a la revitalización de la minería en
2005-06-09 Guns, Goons, Gold: Mining Revitalisation Turns into a Bloody War
2005-05-03 Letter in response of article to Philippine Daily Inquirer from Bisho Manguiran, DCMI
2005-04-27 NGOs threatened by Philippine government over stance on TVI
2005-04-27 Defensor to international mining foes: Back off, or else...
2005-04-06 China Tries to Stem Flow of Coal Mine Disasters
2005-03-31 China Says Environment Spending Falls Short
2005-03-15 Marinduque sues big Canadian mining company in Las Vegas
2005-03-05 Canadian Ex-Prime Minister influence peddling for Canadian firms
2005-03-05 Aside from those mining companies which are named below, it is noteworthy that an oil company whose
2005-02-22 Letter to President of the Philippines on the eviction by TVI of families from Canatuan
2005-02-22 Mining Company tells Subanen Community to Cooperate or Face Immediate Eviction
2005-02-18 Background article
2005-02-14 Mining Company tells Subanen Community to Cooperate or Face Immediate Eviction
2005-02-10 Orchid to buy copper giant
2005-02-07 Chinese Coal Mining Update
2005-01-31 Investors drawn to China despite risks
2005-01-31 China Coal Crunch Expected to Worsen
2005-01-31 Canadian Mining Expert Finds Conditions Unacceptable at Canatuan Mining Site
2005-01-27 Canada Worried by China Buying its Resources
2005-01-27 The following is an interview with Joy Gonzaga of Sitio Canatuan January 27, 2005
2005-01-27 China Hikes Penalties on Illegal Coal Mining
2005-01-27 China Using Environment Rules To Help Cool Economy
2005-01-26 Ramu Project Nudged
2005-01-20 China's Go West Campaign and Globalisation: Tibet's mines up for sale in the international market
2005-01-13 Siocon Residents Contract Skin Disease from Polluted River
2005-01-13 China contradictions
2005-01-13 Siocon Residents Contract Skin Disease from Polluted River
2005-01-13 Mining a magnet for China's overseas investment
2005-01-13 China contradictions
2005-01-07 Half of China's overseas investment falls in Latin America
2004-11-26 Minmetals meets Noranda
2004-11-22 The Hacienda Luisita Massacre, Landlordism and State Terrorism
2004-11-20 The following articles link the November 16th massacre at Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac, Luzon, Philipp
2004-11-20 Fears of a further massacre in the Philippines
2004-11-17 Local People Present a United Stand at Environmental Forum in Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte
2004-11-16 Open Letter to Secretary Mike Defensor of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
2004-11-11 The following are three statements from different civil society organisations in the Philippines, a
2004-11-11 Statements from Philippine civil society organisations on mining
2004-11-10 Massive Forest Conversion Seen; Calls Made to Revoke Midnight Gozun Orders
2004-11-02 Representatives from Siocon Oppose TVI Pacific
2004-10-26 The following are a number of statements and press releases or articles that resulted from a press
2004-10-26 Urgent Appeal to Save Mount Canatuan and the Subanon People
2004-10-24 Tribe seeks end to mining on holy mount
2004-10-23 A Call for the Cancellation of TVI's MPSA
2004-10-23 quot;Declare them guilty, O God. Let them fall, because of their schemes"- Psalm 5:11
2004-10-23 Resist GMA'S Policy of Plunder in Favor of Mining TNCs!
2004-10-15 7th October 2004 (Ref 0424HPHL)
2004-10-15 Urgent Appeal - Increased Human Rights Abuses around TVI Mine
2004-10-15 7th October 2004 (Ref 0424HPHL)
2004-10-15 Urgent Appeal - Increased Human Rights Abuses around TVI Mine
2004-10-15 Urgent Appeal - Mining operations threaten the right to food of indigenous peoples
2004-10-15 Urgent Appeal - Increased Human Rights Abuses around TVI Mine
2004-08-17 Like an abusive visitor who sues the host
2004-08-12 Bishop of Dipolog Condemns the Legal Harassment of Subanon People by TVI
2004-08-12 Bishop of Dipolog Condemns the Armed and Legal Harassment of Subanon People by TVI
2004-07-27 Protests Against Canadian Mining Company Voiced at United Nations (27 Jul 04)>
2004-07-27 Protests Against Canadian Mining Company Voiced at United Nations
2004-07-15 Statement to the Twenty Second Session of the United Nations Working Group – 19-23 July 2004
2004-06-15 The Cost of Doing Business
2004-04-13 American Company Paid Terrorist Group to Protect Overseas Interests
2004-04-13 Blood Money - Former Exec: American Company Paid Terrorist Group to Protect Overseas Interests
2004-03-30 Jean's jaunts
2004-03-23 Urgent Action - TVI press ahead with their Philippine plans by force
2004-03-23 Urgent Action - TVI press ahead with their Philippine plans by force
2004-03-23 According to initial reports the four were shot when heavily armed members of a company financed par
2004-03-23 Act now
2004-03-23 Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo,
2004-03-18 Philippines anti-mining protestors shot
2004-03-18 Philippines anti-mining protestors shot
2004-03-17 Her Excellency
2004-03-17 Paramilitaries Guarding Canadian Mine Shoot Protestors in Philippines
2004-03-04 Siocon Local Government Unit opposes Canadian mining company’s operations
2004-03-04 Siocon Local Government Unit opposes Canadian mining company’s operations
2004-02-15 Canatuan residents want to to live peacefully; TVI says it's bringing benefits to residents
2003-11-18 TVI Accused of Failing to provide protection and safety devices for workers
2003-11-01 TVI Mining doesn't enjoy overwhelming support from host and neighbouring barangays
2003-11-01 Canadian national feels shame over TVI unwelcome entry at the Subanon Ancestral Domain
2003-11-01 TVI Mining doesn't enjoy overwhelming support from local community in the Philippines
2003-09-15 False murder charges. TVI and the latest form of harassment
2003-02-14 Siocon Subanon Association Inc. Scores Two Cases Against TVI
2003-01-16 Urgent Appeal - Canadian Mining Company operates without consent
2003-01-16 Action Brief
2003-01-16 Canadian Mining Company operates without consent
2003-01-16 Background on TVI and the Subanon
2003-01-14 TVI to continue Philippines operation despite ambush
2002-12-15 Sample letter sent by Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links)
2002-05-17 DCMI Bishop in Charge Speaks in Support of Local Government Effors Vs. TVI
2002-05-17 Indigenous People Scores Vs. TVI Before Top Government and Mining Company Officials
2002-05-17 Indigenous People Scores Vs. TVI Before Top Government and Mining Company Officials
2002-01-12 Subanon Farmers Sustain Four Months Barricade to Stop Illegal Mining Activities
2001-08-22 TVI Guard Shoots Ancestral Land Holder (Philippines) - 22nd August 2001
2001-08-22 TVI Awarded Four-Year Tax-Free Holiday for Canatuan Project
2001-08-22 ACTION
2001-07-15 BACKGROUND
2001-07-10 Urgent Action on TVI in the Philippines
2001-06-29 Petition on TVI in the Philippines
2001-05-23 The following are two written statements - there were shortened statements read out - tabled at the
2001-05-01 Saving an Island
2001-05-01 Workers shot during Zambia copper mine riots
2001-05-01 Mine probers find heavy metals in villagers' bodies
2001-05-01 Going Down the Drain'
2001-05-01 Lafayette’s 30-day test run - A Simple Gimmick?
2001-05-01 Destroying Rapu-rapu Through Mining
2001-05-01 TVI Guard Shoots Ancestral Land Holder in the Philippines
2001-05-01 Local Court Us To Hear Million Peso Damages Case Filed By Subanan Vs Tvi
2001-04-23 Dirty Digger Awards 2003

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