MAC: Mines and Communities

OK Tedi

OK Tedi has 74 articles

2020-08-06 Ok Tedi mine closes, as Covid-19 spreads
2019-05-05 Life after Ok Tedi - can it compensate for huge mining sacrifices?
2018-01-05 Vale talking with BHP over a Samarco takeover?
2016-01-18 Former PNG PM takes legal action against Ok Tedi Act
2014-01-30 Papua New Guinea court orders Ok Tedi to halt dumping waste
2013-03-19 PNG: Ok Tedi mine a curse
2013-01-21 BHP Billiton "done an enormous favor" by being "allowed to exit ownership of the Ok Tedi mine"
2012-12-27 Papua New Guinea: OK Tedi - Up The Fly Without A Paddle
2012-10-23 From Bougainville to Ok Tedi via Grasberg
2011-12-27 Ok Tedi pays compensation to Papua New Guinea villagers
2011-09-19 Papua New Guinea PM eats his words
2011-09-06 Papua New Guinea earmarks mineral rights for its indigenous peoples
2011-05-30 Papua New Guinea politicians demand Ok Tedi mine close in 2013
2011-02-07 Hidden Valley leaves disadvantaged communities 'worse off'
2010-09-20 Garnaut behind controversial PNG mines
2010-08-08 Goliath fights back against David in PNG mine battle
2010-05-29 Two statements to UN CSD on Indigenous Peoples & uranium
2007-12-03 Sustainable funding for dubious developments
2007-11-15 "Reverse Anthropology" - Padel reviews Kirsch
2007-11-04 Papua New Guinea: Was it worth the effort?
2007-07-21 Ok Tedi's final chapter
2007-07-21 Ok Tedi's final chapter
2007-07-21 OTMLs US$153mil mine tailing pipeline
2007-07-19 Ok Tedi's final chapter
2007-07-02 Miner pays K1.01b
2007-07-02 OTML passes damage blame onto Government
2007-02-13 Asia-Pacific update
2007-01-25 Ok Tedi: Governor backs compensation claim
2006-07-20 Ok Tedi: Landowners want shares
2006-05-29 PNG cabinet divided over mine closure
2006-04-18 India Update
2006-04-18 Indian Update
2006-04-18 Posco to cut down ore swapping: New technology expected to bring down cost
2006-04-12 Govt threatens to cancel MoUs of five companies Pioneer News Service
2006-04-12 FDI top on Maoists' radar in Orissa
2006-04-12 Global majors keen on India's new exploration blocks
2006-04-12 Environment Ministry clears uranium project at Nalgonda
2006-04-12 Kalinga Nagar tribals agree to meet CM
2006-04-12 Tisco to expand Orissa ferro alloys unit, add power unit Project cost could go up to Rs 100 crore
2006-04-11 India needs 1 lakh tonnes uranium, says Kakodkar
2006-04-10 DAE plans to involve private sector in uranium exploration
2006-04-10 Nalco meet discusses fund use
2006-04-10 India Inc lines up for a new slice of Orissa
2006-04-07 Jharasagdu district is where the UK devil, Vedanta, plans to set up a huge alumininum smelter...
2006-03-30 Job demand halts UCIL mining
2006-03-26 Indian miners, traders ship out iron ore fines to enjoy soaring global price
2006-02-13 Human Rights Groups And Mining Watchdogs Call For Immediate Ban On Waste Dumping
2006-02-09 The goose and the golden egg
2006-02-08 Acidic exposures
2005-12-22 New Ok Tedi crisis
2005-05-27 London Calling - May 29 2005
2004-11-05 Blacks call BHP cash bid an insult
2004-10-22 Community critics blast BHPBilliton
2004-10-22 Community critics blast world's biggest miner
2004-10-22 Community stands up to BHP’s destruction of rivers
2004-09-02 A new dawn for mining after a lost decade in PNG?
2004-07-15 Mineral Policy Institute commentary of issues raised during the BHPB Annual General Meeting, Sydney
2004-07-15 BHP Billton CEO admits OK Tedi was 'not ethical'
2004-02-01 Ok Tedi settlement rejected
2004-01-16 OK Tedi Landowners Refuse to let BHP Billiton escape justice
2003-12-10 West Papua: Gag Island under threat
2003-08-03 Access to courts for corporate accountability: recent developments
2003-01-28 Threat to shut OK Tedi down
2001-12-18 Update on 21/12/01
2001-12-18 BHP Deal Faces Supreme Court Today in Australia and PNG
2001-12-18 Private Power: PNG government and OK Tedi
2001-12-18 For more information, the Legislation and Agreement call:
2001-12-18 Private Power
2001-12-18 Simon Divecha works for the Mineral Policy Institute in Australia, a research and advocacy organisat
2001-05-15 Impact of Posco port is under study
2001-05-01 Court to approve Ok Tedi class action
2001-05-01 Latest Legal news on Ok Tedi
2001-04-23 Indemnity unfair for Ok Tedi says MP
2001-04-23 What's Next for OK Tedi?

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