MAC: Mines and Communities


Vedanta has 790 articles

2021-03-26 Indian federal police charge 71 anti-Vedanta protesters over 2018 violence
2020-11-10 Lawsuit against BHP over tailings dam disaster dismissed by British judge
2020-10-28 Adivasi Women Reclaim their Rights in Zawar Mines, Rajasthan
2020-07-15 Mining-backed "tribal university" gets slated in India
2020-04-07 Vedanta carries on as usual - regardless of Indian lockdown
2020-02-22 The Weekend Essay (Part Two): India's New Coal Geography
2020-01-08 The world's top mining companies
2019-11-07 A peculiarly British taste of justice
2019-10-12 India gov't coal mines auction is failing
2019-09-23 Korba Killing - commemorating a criminal catastrophe
2019-09-16 India's national human rights commission will re-open Tuticorin inquiry
2019-09-08 India's Adani proceeds heedlessly with Jharkhand destructiveness
2019-08-27 India emits most sulphur dioxide worldwide
2019-08-16 Zambia confirms Vedanta's expulsion
2019-08-02 Vedanta launches South Africa arbitration
2019-07-31 Vedanta's finance thief makes off with Anglo American payback
2019-07-11 Late Week Essay: A mountain that will not bow down to corporate loot
2019-07-11 Vedanta resorts to South Africa over Zambian divorce
2019-06-29 The Weekend Essay: Behind Zambia's divorce from Vedanta
2019-06-27 India: Bauxite mining's continuing vicious costs
2019-06-19 Vedanta's Zambian "liquidation" supported by minority shareholders
2019-05-22 A year on, anti-Vedanta protestors still await justice
2019-05-21 Zambian president threatens Glencore, Vedanta with "divorce"
2019-05-15 Death, destruction and dividends
2019-05-02 Fact-finding team demands closure of Vedanta refinery
2019-04-28 Dozens of miners guilty of Namibian tax evasion - report
2019-04-20 The Weekend Essay: On Zambian farmers versus Vedanta
2019-04-19 Essay for Easter: Tuticorin a year after the massacre
2019-04-12 Vedanta can no longer hide from Zambian villagers' fury
2019-03-30 Vedanta/Sterlite dammed - yet again!
2019-03-24 The weekend essay: Adivasis on the March
2019-03-19 Many organisations roundly condemn police repression in Orissa
2019-03-18 BREAKING NEWS: Orissa villager killed by forces defending Vedanta refinery
2019-03-16 India and Indonesia: Indigenous women warmly embrace
2019-03-10 India: Leading Indigenous campaigner arrested for opposing Vedanta
2019-02-23 India's Supreme Court - en route to destroying millions of lives
2019-02-18 India: Supreme Court refuses reopening of Sterlite plant
2019-01-23 Vedanta's Zambia court case: will there be justice?
2019-01-12 Sterlite inaugurates schemes worth Rs 100 crores as promised to NGT
2019-01-02 Tuticorin: a byword for infamy
2018-12-04 Thematic Social Forum on Mining and Extractivist Economy
2018-11-19 Vedanta up to new tricks?
2018-11-15 India: Goa mining ruled unacceptable by Supreme Court
2018-10-31 India: Dongria Khonds suffer increased police violence
2018-10-31 Vedanta's copper smelter alleged polluting by official body
2018-10-29 Mine closure (Part One) - the Indian case
2018-10-11 The last of the summer whine?
2018-09-25 Tuticorin: Yes, Vedanta/Sterlite did cause major contamination!
2018-09-24 Tamil Nadu state confirms it'll block Vedanta's Tuticorin re-opening
2018-09-15 The Diverging Paths of Two Young Women Foretell the Fate of a Tribe in India
2018-09-07 Vedanta's ultimate resources' grab
2018-09-07 Vedanta on its last legs - will it walk free?
2018-08-31 Under Saffron Jackboots
2018-07-28 In peril: Southeast Asia’s environment and its defenders
2018-07-16 India: Report into Thoothukudi Police Violence released
2018-07-02 Vedanta may 'delist' itself from London Stock Exchange following campaign
2018-06-09 Vedanta - serial offender at large
2018-06-08 'The martyrs did it': bloody end to Indian copper plant saga
2018-06-08 Opposition leader "expunged" in Tamil Nadu
2018-06-07 Vedanta in India: a rogue enterprise let loose!
2018-06-06 Tuticorin: a byword for terror unleashed in India
2018-06-06 "Yes, Mr Agarwal, business does need to be kept from politics"
2018-05-23 Bloody police killings of civil protestors against Vedanta's copper operations
2018-05-22 At least 17 citizens mowed down by police in Tamil Nadu
2018-05-16 The "oracle" pronounces on Anglo America's 2018 AGM
2018-04-22 Vedanta clobbered by accusations of bribery and brow-beating
2018-04-08 As Sterlite plant expands, an Indian city erupts in protest
2018-03-26 Indian protestors link with Britain to take on "Killer" Agarwal
2018-03-21 Rampal power plant - condemned by Norwegian Ethics Council
2018-03-15 Let's make waves: Indaba-dabble-DO!
2018-03-06 Goa's politicians take up arms against own citizens!
2018-02-26 India's bauxite baron grabs more Orissa mines
2018-02-13 Vedanta indicted over copper plant pollution - villagers demand its closure
2018-02-08 India's Supreme Court nixes all Goa's iron mining leases
2018-02-07 New Evidence of Africa’s Systematic Looting, From an Increasingly Schizophrenic World Bank
2018-01-02 India: Mining children are "nobody's baby" claims MM&P
2017-11-04 India - industrial carnage strikes down at least 32 workers
2017-09-26 India: how the Dongria are reviving Indigenous foods
2017-09-20 Zambian small-scale miners plead for right to access waste dumps
2017-09-04 Goa's mega-port project poses huge threats to local livelihoods
2017-09-03 Vedanta Resources - It's deja vu, all over again
2017-08-30 Vedanta's Jharsuguda ash pond hit by its own "Hurricane Harvey"
2017-08-18 Vedanta meets its match at London AGM
2017-08-11 Vedanta accused of major fraud against Rajasthan state
2017-07-11 Vedanta attempts to carry Zambia case in London court
2017-04-25 Goldman Prize winners and their battles against mining ventures
2017-03-10 Norwegian Government Pension Fund updates banned companies list
2017-01-14 Zambia and Vedanta go to battle in court
2016-08-07 Global protests greet Vedanta’s 2016 AGM
2016-05-29 Zambian villagers poised to take pollution case against Vedanta
2016-05-25 Vedanta - India's corporate Raj
2016-05-23 Silicosis - the world's most destructive mining disease?
2016-05-21 London Calling has words to say about Vedanta's literary sham
2016-05-14 London Calling on the Gladson Dungdung "affair"
2016-04-26 London Calling: Vedanta's fit for a Panama hat?
2016-04-23 India's tribal slaves to stone
2016-04-15 Mining giant Vedanta argues UK court should not hear Zambia pollution case
2016-04-05 London Calling probes the reality of mining behind Goa's playtime facade
2016-03-05 India: will Nyamgiri mining now be allowed?
2015-12-06 How has Goa mining "resumed"?
2015-11-29 India: Indigenous Activist Loses His Battle With Vedanta And Commits Suicide
2015-09-22 Vedanta's Agarwal sets out to better India's child and women "development"
2015-09-18 Former Anglo CEO Cynthia Carroll joins Vedanta
2015-09-13 India: Ongoing tribal struggles against mining in Orissa
2015-09-10 'Rivers of acid' in Zambian villages
2015-08-17 Vedanta takes the low road, with highly dubious expectations
2015-08-05 UK newspaper supports global mining regulation
2015-08-04 Global demos around Vedanta AGM in London, India and Africa
2015-07-14 Zambia: Government rejects toxic imported copper concentrates
2015-07-12 London Calling scrutinises the latest gambit by India's "Al Capone"
2015-06-15 OECD watchdog calls for reform of failing complaint system
2015-04-30 London Calling tries ruffling some Indian feathers of crows coming home to roost
2015-04-13 London Calling asks: Is the World Social Forum now beyond our pale?
2015-03-30 African mining codes: "willfully doing the wrong thing"?
2015-03-22 Mining boom to bust ... who really benefits?
2015-03-03 Vedanta must be punished for illegal fly ash pond, says activist
2015-02-09 India: Vedanta leads race in coal block bidding
2015-01-27 The good, the bad - and the downright ugly
2014-10-18 Miners threaten Zambia over royalty hike
2014-10-13 London Calling on Societe Generale's disreputable Vedanta play
2014-09-28 London Calling pours scorn on Anil Agarwal's "Pauline Conversion"
2014-08-20 London Calling on Vedanta's Lanjigarh subterfuge
2014-08-06 The Killing Fields of Korba
2014-08-06 London Calling in on Vedanta's tenth anniversary
2014-08-04 Activists protest at Vedanta's 2014 AGM over alleged illegalities
2014-06-14 The coming Modi-fication of India?
2014-03-30 Vedanta donations to BJP, Congress ruled illegal by Delhi court
2014-03-14 London Calling takes the shine off an Indian entrepreneur
2014-03-07 London Calling on Albanese's ignominious new role in Vedanta
2014-03-02 Vedanta on the ropes as scandals build and shares fall
2014-02-18 Vedanta's Zambia unit seeks to shift liabilities to state
2014-01-13 Final nail plunged into Vedanta's Nyamgiri coffin
2013-12-08 Activists protest mining industry's harmful impact on women
2013-12-01 Agonis Agarwalis
2013-11-13 Zambia and Vedanta lock horns
2013-11-07 British regulator seeks to protect mining's minority shareholders
2013-10-15 Vedanta's future plan may trip on past hurdle
2013-10-03 India: Another Vedanta land acquisition plan foiled
2013-08-21 Final tribal meeting rejects Vedanta's mining proposal in Niyamgiri
2013-08-14 India: Court dismisses petition against Chief Minister Raman Singh
2013-08-07 Vedanta struggles through AGM as Dongria Kondh say no
2013-07-30 Jolt for Vedanta as mining in Niyamgiri Hills voted out
2013-07-24 India: Vedanta suffers two setbacks in Nyamgiri meetings
2013-07-15 London Calling examines Vedanta's "exit mode"
2013-07-02 India's central government says Odisha's reading of Niyamgiri verdict incorrect
2013-06-28 India: Vedanta resumes operations at Tuticorin smelter
2013-06-18 No meeting of minds at the 2013 Antofagasta AGM
2013-06-13 Rallying cry: Dongria stand firm against Vedanta mine
2013-06-03 Vedanta Resources announces US$1.7 billion bond offering
2013-05-13 Vedanta shouldn't be allowed to re-open polluting Indian smelter
2013-05-13 Indian Supreme Court dismisses challenge to US$8.5 billion Cairn-Vedanta deal
2013-05-07 Is Nyamgiri ruling a "revolutionary" moment for India's poor?
2013-04-22 India: The Bastar Land Grab
2013-04-22 India: Nyamgiri ruling "a great victory for indigenous rights"
2013-04-15 Vedanta faces India's Green Tribunal over smelter disaster
2013-04-01 Vedanta Indian copper smelter closed, following toxic leak
2013-03-19 Zambia: Are Chinese miners the worst human rights abusers?
2013-03-05 Indian contract workers are joining mining unions
2013-02-11 Zambian government seeks a better mining deal
2013-01-28 India: Environment, Tribal Ministries to stand by forest rights
2013-01-14 India Tribal affairs minister against diluting Forest Peoples' Rights
2012-12-27 Is Vedanta poised on the brink of failure?
2012-12-27 Vedanta found guilty of grave safety breaches in India
2012-12-27 How did Vedanta grab India's richest oilfields?
2012-12-17 Will Indian government reverse bauxite mine cancellations in Andhra and Orissa?
2012-12-11 India-UK demonstrators call for closure of Vedanta refinery
2012-11-19 Vedanta pipeline bursts, spraying toxic ash over Indian farmland
2012-11-05 Indian tribal people are "up in arms" over Keonjhar mining plans
2012-10-23 India: Vedanta re-discovers its bauxite mojo
2012-10-08 Are aliens conspiring to impoverish Indians?
2012-09-24 Anil Agarwal elected India's "Business Leader of the Year"
2012-09-18 Indian activist calls Vedanta's bauxite bluff
2012-09-18 India's state of Goa shuts all iron mines
2012-09-12 Calling Agarwal's bluff?
2012-09-04 Vedanta Resources holds its 2012 AGM
2012-07-24 Vedanta accused of further serious violations in India
2012-07-03 India: "If this is called governance, tribals are not buying it"
2012-06-19 The Indonesian mining scandal at the heart of UK capital
2012-06-19 Mining, regulatory failure and human rights in India
2012-05-29 Indian Minister scraps lecture rather than "face accusers"
2012-05-22 Goan farmers fear environmental disaster, courtesy Vedanta
2012-05-22 A Third Strike finds Anil Agarwal "Out"
2012-05-15 Vedanta Aluminium's Indian safety record is tarnished
2012-05-08 Vedanta charges ahead in India
2012-05-01 Vedanta casts more oil on troubled Indian waters
2012-04-24 London Calling reveals Vedanta son's mission to bring health and happiness to India's rich
2012-04-24 Indian minister halts fresh Vedanta bid to mine Niyamgiri
2012-04-24 Once more into the breach - Vedanta
2012-04-02 Which are the world's "most controversial" mining companies?
2012-04-02 India sets out on "a fight for the forest"
2012-03-27 Vedanta's girl has got the "X Factor"!
2012-03-27 India loses $210bn in coal sales in "mother of all scams"
2012-03-06 Vedanta betrays the people - yet again!
2012-02-20 London Calling dials into an Indian scandal
2012-02-20 U.S. judge orders Vedanta to pay $82.75m in damages
2012-02-14 Zambia: mining companies should cough up more!
2012-01-31 India: New Vedanta protests meet with violent "security" response
2012-01-23 Vedanta in India: a bad project is given thumbs-down
2012-01-23 Dying on the Coke Side of Life
2012-01-16 Vedanta set to grab further Indian resources - twice over
2012-01-10 Canada and India: Mining companies are getting closer to NGOs
2011-12-27 Armenia's Prized Lake Threatened by Mining
2011-12-27 Indian officials accused of conniving with Vedanta to avoid water penalties
2011-11-21 More "accidents" at Vedanta's Indian copper smelter
2011-11-14 Zambia: Workers detail abuse in Chinese-owned mines
2011-10-18 Vedanta accused of fraud - yet again!
2011-10-10 The emperor is stripped naked of his clothes
2011-10-05 Vedanta's refinery expansion plan suffers another setback
2011-09-12 Glencore's sorry record of fatalities and fines
2011-09-12 Apex court reserves order on Sterlite plant
2011-09-06 UN tells UK: ensure your mining companies respect human rights
2011-08-30 Vedanta guilty of violations at Indian copper smelter
2011-08-23 India's Karnataka assaulted by "Iron Fist" - Report
2011-08-01 Vedanta thrashed, as board clashes with shareholders
2011-07-25 Vedanta set for rough ride as shareholders hover
2011-07-25 Vedanta mine disaster in Goa is greeted by corporate lies and civil outrage
2011-07-18 Vedanta accused of polluting Andhra Pradesh
2011-07-11 Zambia says First Quantum to pay $224m in back taxes
2011-07-04 Colombia: Vale threatens heart of mineworker's union
2011-06-28 'Transparency' hides Zambia's lost billions
2011-06-07 London Calling on Richest Brits (not forgetting their Ozzie counterparts)
2011-05-30 India's National Advisory Council wants radical advances on implementing community rights
2011-05-24 Vedanta - once more unto the breach!
2011-05-10 Mines Bigger than Yours! Forbes' rankings surprise
2011-05-10 London Calling asks Sweden: Why stop hounding Vedanta now?
2011-05-02 India: Anguish in Angul - and elsewhere in Orissa
2011-04-12 India's Supreme Court agrees to hear Orissa plea for Nyamgiri mine
2011-04-04 Vedanta's children are literally getting "peanuts"
2011-03-22 Vedanta allegedly brands tribal opponents "terrorists"
2011-02-22 London Calling All Billionaires!
2011-01-31 Agarwal's juggernaut rolls on regardless
2011-01-17 Times of India attacks yet another parlous Vedanta ploy
2011-01-17 Don't bank on the Bank!
2011-01-10 Statement on the Saxena Committee Report on the Forest Rights Act
2010-12-27 Vedanta: serial offending in Zambia too?
2010-12-13 New study claims Vedanta smelter "endangers human health"
2010-11-22 It just ain't football!
2010-11-22 India: Yet more shenanigans linked to UK mining company
2010-11-22 Orissa HC rules Vedanta University land acquisition illegal and void
2010-11-08 Police repression on women protesting mining in Goa
2010-11-08 World's "worst" mining company in the dock - again!
2010-11-01 "Costing Nature" reaches take-off point
2010-10-25 India's biggest minerals project may be axed
2010-10-25 Vedanta off the hook in Tamil Nadu - but only for a while
2010-10-04 Indian court orders closure of Vedanta's "polluting" copper plant
2010-09-27 How may the law be served, if justice is denied?
2010-09-20 The Nyamgiri struggle may be over
2010-09-14 Vedanta blames "foreign-funded" NGOs for its problems
2010-09-14 Everything Vedanta touches turns to ashes!
2010-09-05 UK safety organisation makes an appalling error
2010-08-30 Anti-Vedanta activism hits the spotlight in Tamil Nadu
2010-08-30 A famous battle is won - now to end the war!
2010-08-22 Indian government committee condemns Vedanta's proposed Nyamgiri mine
2010-08-22 Tribal leaders 'abducted and interrogated' over opposition to new mine
2010-08-16 Zambia's government may re-introduce windfall tax on miners
2010-08-08 Treasure islands: Mapping the geography of corruption
2010-08-02 Is this the "world's most hated company"?
2010-07-24 Mega-miner to meet its match?
2010-07-24 London Calling invites us all to "watch the birdie"
2010-07-24 Armenians up in arms against uranium plans
2010-07-17 Formal Human Rights Complaint re HudBay in Guatemala
2010-07-04 Mining remains uphill for Vedanta
2010-04-18 Norwegian government reviews "responsible investment" guidelines
2010-04-08 Agarwal's "global seat of learning" gets boot up the backside
2010-03-18 London Calling applauds condemnation of Vedanta
2010-02-15 Amnesty report slams Vedanta's operations in India
2010-02-07 Church of England sells its shares in Vedanta Resources over human rights concerns
2010-01-19 Zambian copper output to rise in 2010
2009-12-14 Asarco Pays $1.79 Billion to Fix Sites across 19 US states
2009-11-30 Sixteen years of fraud?
2009-11-30 London Calling probes the home affairs of an Indian minister - and the company he keeps
2009-11-30 Indian Government says Vedanta violated licensing rules at Nyamgiri
2009-11-23 Vedanta Resources India Unit Proposes IPO To Raise INR51,000M
2009-11-23 Sesa Goa slides on report of accounts probe
2009-11-23 Vedanta tells Indian court it can't obey clean-up order
2009-11-23 Vedanta officials charged with culpable homicide over Indian disaster
2009-11-16 UK:Landmark case against Treasury chucked out
2009-11-09 Vedanta's top dog is biting on coal
2009-11-02 Vedanta report "designed to hamper" disaster investigations, says police chief
2009-10-26 India: violence alleged in promotion of Vedanta's super seat of learning
2009-10-26 UK Treasury taken to court for RBS loans to Vedanta Resources
2009-10-19 From small town poisoning to mega-buck deal
2009-10-19 Indian silicosis: UK company denies any liability
2009-10-13 Vedanta "propaganda" meets its match at Nyamgiri
2009-10-13 UK government finds Vedanta in major breach of trust
2009-10-05 Peruvians don't like the taste of Southern's Tia Maria
2009-10-05 Guatemalan murders put Canadian company in frame
2009-09-29 Vedanta: another "mishap", more workers up in arms
2009-09-27 Vedanta accused of illegally constructing death-dealing Indian power plant
2009-09-27 Many workers die as chimney collapses at Indian plant
2009-09-27 Culprit company announces huge expansion of Goa mines
2009-09-27 London Calling the shots on Vedanta - and some British banks
2009-09-22 Goa: Sky's the limit as court rules against Vedanta
2009-09-14 Asarco bidding battle enters final strait
2009-09-14 Overburdened: the hidden realities of India's holiday state
2009-09-01 Stealing Vedanta's limelight: a report of the 2009 AGM
2009-08-25 Is a new wind blowing through India's villages and hills? It's still too early to tell
2009-08-25 US bidding intensifies, as two bad companies vie for a third
2009-08-03 VAL flouted norms with impunity: Outfit
2009-08-03 Grupo Mexico: Workers' campaign crosses borders
2009-08-03 India: Pollution Control Board slaps notice on VAL
2009-08-03 London Calling follows Anil Agarwal to heaven (or at least the fields of academe)
2009-07-20 British company accused of numerous violations at Indian refinery
2009-07-20 Vedanta Damned
2009-07-07 Fires in the Iron
2009-06-22 Golden Peacock ? Pure poppycock, claim Indian demonstrators against Vedanta
2009-06-08 London Calling returns to Armenia - and the Vedanta connection
2009-06-02 London Calling asks if Vedanta's guilty of a massive money laundering racket
2009-05-18 Vedanta fined, as Indian judge declares environmental activism vital to combat "mankind's folly”
2009-04-27 Zambia - at sixes and sevens over mineral policy?
2009-04-27 London Calling on today's state of corporate mine play
2009-04-06 Justice postponed - justice denied
2009-04-06 Rejecting the marginalization of women in the Indian mining sector
2009-03-03 London Calling asks: who's taking AIM - and why has no-one been fired?
2009-03-03 Vedanta facing triple whammy over fraud
2009-02-02 India: Human chain advances opposition to Vedanta
2009-02-02 Zambia succumbs to industry pressure
2009-01-19 Vedanta protests in Orissa intensify
2009-01-13 Vedanta repelled by Dongria Kondh at sacred mountain
2008-11-24 Indian High Court halts Vedanta's bauxite mining
2008-11-24 Vedanta: copper pie in the Zambian sky?
2008-11-24 Vedanta gets go-ahead for Tuticorin expansion - but with conditions attached
2008-11-17 London Calling looks behind the Ralph affair - Richard Ralph condenado por "negociaciones incompatibles"
2008-11-17 Indian villagers protest against Vedanta project
2008-11-17 Tribal upsiring in West Bengall
2008-11-10 Vedanta staff chased away
2008-11-10 Money miasma means mixed messages
2008-10-27 London Calling: What the heck is going on?- Que esta pasando?
2008-09-29 Chinese iron ore demand slacking
2008-09-22 Leading Indian NGO calls for halt to mining in tribal areas
2008-09-22 Asarco-Grupo Mexico dispute nearing conclusion? - Southern envuelta en millonaria disputa
2008-08-11 A double disgrace that shames all India
2008-08-04 Vedanta's Agarwal walks his talk - to little avail
2008-07-28 Vedanta, Tata and others vie for "dirty" coal in India
2008-07-14 Vedanta faces high-level US environmental scrutiny
2008-07-09 Indian activists slam defence of Vedanta in national magazine
2008-03-13 Vedanta announces aluminum smelter in WB
2008-03-13 Vedanta announces aluminum smelter in WB
2008-02-16 Vedanta: what's in a name? Plenty!
2008-02-15 Indian Judge alleged to be hand in glove with miners
2008-02-13 Foreign mining companies threaten Zambia
2008-01-02 Resistance grows to India's rural invasions
2007-12-31 Vedanta gets another rebuff
2007-12-29 Vedanta rebuffed - again
2007-12-20 Asia's poor being sacrificed on altar of "development", say reports
2007-12-17 Norway's oil riches and the Dongria Kondh
2007-12-12 Ground-breaking report released on dirty mining money
2007-12-05 Balco resorting to contract labour
2007-12-01 Atrocities accompany India's neo-liberal path
2007-11-27 Ex-Union Minister asks Vedanta t o leave
2007-11-16 Vedanta under renewed pressure as tribespeople descend on Delhi
2007-11-15 Court between the devil and the deep blue sea
2007-11-12 Norwegian government indicts Vedanta as "grossly unethical"
2007-11-05 Undermining Zambia's development
2007-10-06 Vedanta update
2007-09-07 Vedanta update
2007-09-07 Supreme Court refuses to grant bauxite mining rights to Vedanta
2007-09-07 Vedanta update
2007-09-01 London Calling
2007-08-31 Mac Editorial Note: The Kabwe Lead And Zinc Operations Were Closed In 1994. They Were Controlled B
2007-08-31 Africa update
2007-08-31 Past Articles Addressing This Issue Are To Be Found On Our Site At:
2007-08-20 Zambia Defers Customs Duties For Foreign Miners
2007-08-18 Vedanta update
2007-08-18 Vedanta update
2007-08-16 Indian Activists' Rising Clout
2007-08-15 Indian tribals to protest in London
2007-08-15 Caught in the crossfire
2007-08-14 Lessons of Empire: India, 60 Years After Independence
2007-08-13 Central Tribal Varsity Being Planned In Orissa
2007-08-07 India drops elephant reserves for mining firms
2007-08-07 Vedanta update
2007-08-07 Vedanta update
2007-08-06 Balco set to become world power in aluminium
2007-08-06 Mining giant faces tribal pro
2007-08-04 London Calling
2007-08-04 London Calling
2007-07-31 Major mining company throws in with Pebble
2007-07-31 Northern Dynasty & Anglo American Establish 50:50 Partnership to Advance Pebble Project to Prod
2007-07-11 South Asia update
2007-07-11 South Asia update
2007-07-11 Opposition to Jindal mounts
2007-07-11 Not a pleasant experience for Minister
2007-07-11 Unruly scenes at Vizag DRC meeting
2007-07-10 High drama at DRC meet
2007-07-10 Forum questions industrial water commitments
2007-07-10 People rise against Vedanta
2007-06-22 India update
2007-06-22 India Update
2007-06-16 Agitation begins against Vedanta refinery, 45 arrested
2007-06-15 Break it up and speed ahead
2007-05-19 Vedanta update: blow after blow
2007-05-19 Vedanta Update: Blow After Blow
2007-05-15 War Intensifies Against Vedanta
2007-05-15 Cpi To Oppose Allocation Of Mines
2007-05-15 Supreme Court Hearings On The Nyamgiri Case
2007-05-11 Zambia gets US$50 million to clean up mining pollution
2007-05-11 PlanetArk ZAMBIA
2007-05-11 Zambia gets US$50 million to clean up mining pollution
2007-05-04 Armenian Government Imposes $50 Mln Penalty On Agrc
2007-05-03 Govt cuts export duty on low grade iron ores
2007-05-03 Vedanta increases its iron grip
2007-05-03 Vedanta increases its iron grip
2007-04-30 What China is doing to Goa
2007-04-25 Tribals Protest Refinery Plans In Eastern India
2007-04-25 Under Pressure, Institute Eats Own Words
2007-04-25 Vedanta Update
2007-04-25 Vedanta update
2007-04-24 Vedanta Resources Plc (official Statement)
2007-04-24 Vedanta Buys 51 Percent Of India's Sesa Goa
2007-04-20 London Calling
2007-04-13 Vedanta update
2007-04-13 Vedanta update
2007-04-09 POSCO PROJECT: Govt gets tough with protestors - Use force if needed, DGP tells cops
2007-04-09 Fresh check on SEZ plans- Union Commerce Ministry will ask developers to provide land details
2007-04-07 As India goes global the public goes private
2007-04-07 Letter to the President on White Asbestos: A Health Time Bomb
2007-04-07 India Update
2007-04-07 India update
2007-04-06 Solar power boon for villagers
2007-04-05 Vedanta signs fresh MoU with State - Project to create direct job opportunity to 1,500 persons
2007-03-31 Vedanta Resources Plc
2007-03-18 It ain't no tea party: London Calling on Tata's European entwinement
2007-03-18 It ain't no tea party: London Calling on Tata's European entwinement
2007-03-15 Tata's Gamble: Triumph or Nemesis?
2007-03-11 Vedanta update
2007-03-11 Vedanta update
2007-03-11 Vedanta asked to stop construction
2007-03-11 ZAMBIA: "Now we are dead because of KCM"
2007-03-03 London Calling scents something rotten in the North Woods - and even worse in Armenia
2007-02-15 Agarwal's Big Steal
2007-02-13 Balco to construct road in Chhattisgarh
2007-02-13 Vedanta Update
2007-02-13 Korba coal attracts 10,000 mw addition
2007-02-13 Vedanta update
2007-02-02 Vedanta update
2007-02-02 CITU demands review of Balco deal
2007-02-02 Vedanta update
2007-02-01 Union Minister sympathises with anti-Vedanta Varsity villagers
2007-01-30 ARMENIA
2007-01-25 Balco staff 'coerced' into VRS'
2007-01-25 Vedanta update
2007-01-25 Vedanta update
2007-01-15 Vedanta eyeing Indian gold mines
2007-01-14 Orissa: Throttled Dissent, Overstepped Laws, Displaced People
2007-01-14 Vedanta in search of steel partner
2007-01-13 India update: Orissa
2007-01-04 Africa Update
2007-01-04 Africa Update
2007-00-17 Sesa Goa Served Show-cause In Jharkhand Over Progress Reports
2006-12-31 India: Vedanta update
2006-12-22 Zambia-bars To A Copper Bonanza
2006-12-19 Yechury demands ban on export of iron ore
2006-12-10 India Update
2006-12-10 India Update
2006-12-10 Comment From Our Correspondent In Orissa (december 10 2006):
2006-12-09 Vedanta Project Under Fresh Scrutiny
2006-12-02 Metal major gives state a miss
2006-12-02 URGENT ALERT (December 2 2006)
2006-12-02 South Asia Update
2006-12-02 South Asia Update
2006-11-30 Thousands Protest For Rights Over India's Forests
2006-11-28 Industrialisation takes its toll
2006-11-28 Violation of Human Rights, Farmers Arrestedat Public Hearing on Proposed Alumina Refinery by Jindal
2006-11-27 Hindalco joins race for Afghan copper deposit
2006-11-25 India's illegal coal mines turn into death pits
2006-11-25 Maoists protest leasing of mines in Chhattisgarh
2006-11-16 Vedanta on the block in Zambia
2006-11-16 Vedanta on the block in Zambia
2006-11-15 Zambia: KCM Negligence Blamed for Kafue River Pollution
2006-10-21 The world's worst places
2006-10-20 South Asia Update
2006-10-20 South Asia Update
2006-10-20 Vedanta varsity faces technical problems in India
2006-10-15 Nyamgiiri In The Balance
2006-09-30 South Asia Update
2006-09-30 South Asia Update
2006-09-22 South Asia Update (India and Bangladesh)
2006-09-22 South Asia Update (India and Bangladesh)
2006-09-22 Tisco's SEZ proposal faces storm of protests
2006-09-20 Orissa OKs 11 thermal power projects
2006-09-20 Uranium project: another public hearing sought
2006-09-20 BANGLADESH: Tata investment for whom?
2006-08-23 India Update
2006-08-23 India Update
2006-08-21 Mining will destroy Niyamgiri: WII
2006-08-05 Vedanta at centre of many storms
2006-08-05 Favouring' VAL: Government under fire
2006-08-05 Vedanta at centre of many storms
2006-08-04 Vedanta's Orissa project faces hurdle
2006-08-04 House on boil over Vedanta
2006-08-04 Indian villagers pay a high price as commodity boom comes to rural Orissa
2006-08-03 Tribal activists carry Indian mining protest to London
2006-08-03 Chidambaram must quit, demand SP, AIADMK
2006-08-02 Vedanta Harmed Environment In India -Environment Group
2006-07-31 Vedanta’s alumina deal intensifies duel in Orissa
2006-07-30 Another Vedanta Violation claimed
2006-07-23 Iron in the Indian soul
2006-07-23 Iron in the Indian soul
2006-07-21 Vedanta set to be fifth success for ‘Citizen Solider’ Hannam
2006-07-21 Vedanta's rocky road
2006-07-21 Vedanta's rocky road
2006-07-20 Cong salvo at Naveen
2006-07-19 Mine rush in Mittal visit
2006-07-19 Karnataka favours blanket ban on iron ore mining
2006-07-19 Adhunik Metaliks gets iron ore mines in Orissa
2006-07-19 Mittal looks for 7 sites in Orissa for steel project
2006-07-18 Kendrapara trying to woo Arcelor-Mittal
2006-07-18 Niyamgiri mining fraught with danger
2006-07-17 Chhattisgarh rejects sponge iron, power plant proposal
2006-07-15 India’s iron ore rush
2006-07-15 ORISSA
2006-07-15 Brothers in an ispat?
2006-07-14 Farm vs firm to the fore
2006-07-11 Bolivian breakthrough
2006-07-11 Tata Steel should not feel vulnerable: Mittal
2006-07-07 Mittal Plans To Build $8.7 Billion Plant in India
2006-07-07 Mittal Plans $8.7 Bln Plant in India to Tap Iron Ore
2006-06-24 London Calling Dissects A Distinctly Dodgy Deal
2006-06-24 Sources: Indian Firm Accused Of Misusing Armenia's Gold Reserves:
2006-06-24 London Calling dissects a distinctly dodgy deal
2006-06-15 Govt plans 1,000 acres of land for Vedanta varsity near Konark
2006-06-12 Vedanta Update
2006-06-12 Vedanta Update
2006-06-09 London Calling on a recent City shuffle
2006-06-09 London Calling On A Recent City Shuffle
2006-06-08 Vedanta to start refinery trial run
2006-06-07 Norway Throws Out Freeport
2006-06-07 Norway throws out Freeport
2006-06-05 Govt, Sterlite head for legal row over Balco sale
2006-06-04 London tycoon caught up in Indian jungle mine war
2006-06-04 On Disinvestments Of BALCO Shares To M/s Sterlite
2006-05-30 Firm makes space alloy
2006-05-26 India Update
2006-05-26 India Update
2006-05-24 New Reports: "may The Force Not Be With You"
2006-05-24 New reports: "May the force NOT be with you!"
2006-05-22 No decision on selling shares in BALCO: FM
2006-05-22 Behind The World's Biggest Pension Fund
2006-05-18 London Calling: Not seeing the wood for the fees
2006-05-18 The Scariest Predators In The Corporate Jungle
2006-05-18 London Calling: Not seeing the wood for the fees
2006-05-15 Once respected around the world as an independent and forthright final arbiter, the Supreme Court's
2006-05-14 Nationalisation - threat or promise?
2006-05-14 Nationalisation - Threat Or Promise?
2006-05-13 Sterlite sends legal notice to govt on Balco pact
2006-05-12 Investors Risk Losing Billions on Environmentally Destructive Pulp Mills
2006-05-11 Global Banking Giant ABN Amro Awardedfor "Outstanding Environmental Hypocrisy"
2006-05-10 Vedanta seeks SEZ tag for Orissa unit
2006-05-09 As Agarwal sits quietly...
2006-05-09 Sources: Sack For Eager: Asia Energy Announcement, May 9 2006; Eager At Monterrico:
2006-05-05 Niyamgiri Calling - From The "mountain Of Law"
2006-05-05 India Update
2006-05-05 India Update
2006-04-18 Indian Update
2006-04-18 Posco to cut down ore swapping: New technology expected to bring down cost
2006-04-18 India Update
2006-04-14 Sterlite cheque for Balco stumps govt
2006-04-12 Kalinga Nagar tribals agree to meet CM
2006-04-12 Simplex Infra bags contract from Vedanta Alumina
2006-04-12 Tisco to expand Orissa ferro alloys unit, add power unit Project cost could go up to Rs 100 crore
2006-04-12 Govt threatens to cancel MoUs of five companies Pioneer News Service
2006-04-12 FDI top on Maoists' radar in Orissa
2006-04-12 Global majors keen on India's new exploration blocks
2006-04-12 Environment Ministry clears uranium project at Nalgonda
2006-04-11 India needs 1 lakh tonnes uranium, says Kakodkar
2006-04-10 DAE plans to involve private sector in uranium exploration
2006-04-10 Nalco meet discusses fund use
2006-04-10 India Inc lines up for a new slice of Orissa
2006-04-07 Jharasagdu district is where the UK devil, Vedanta, plans to set up a huge alumininum smelter...
2006-03-30 Job demand halts UCIL mining
2006-03-26 Indian miners, traders ship out iron ore fines to enjoy soaring global price
2006-03-22 London Calling has a tiff with Dfid…and a bouquet for Rio Tinto
2006-03-22 Double Death: Aluminium's Links with Genocide Revealed
2006-03-22 London Calling Has A Tiff With Dfid...and A Bouquet For Rio Tinto
2006-03-15 Big Mining Companies……and The Communities Resisting Them
2006-03-13 London Calling All Billionaires!
2006-03-13 BALCO stake sale: Govt to maximise gains
2006-03-10 Mines, money, and partnerships
2006-03-10 Mines, Money, And Partnerships
2006-03-09 How do three old friends build a business empire in Kazakhstan? Just as in Russia-buy assets on the
2006-02-25 India Update
2006-02-25 India Update
2006-02-20 Vedanta lines up $3 bn India expansion
2006-02-20 Extracting Intellects
2006-02-20 Extracting Intellects
2006-02-18 India Update
2006-02-18 India Update
2006-02-18 Tata initial work by year-end - Steel plant at Tontoposhi
2006-02-16 Sources: Alcoa’s Global Record: Mark Meredith, “alcoa And You”, Trinidad And Tobag
2006-02-15 Nalco appeals to people's body to call off stir
2006-02-15 ADIVASIS OF BANSAPAL PROTEST AGAINST EXPANSION OF MINING – Public hearing disrupted and cance
2006-02-13 Sold down the river
2006-02-13 Sold Down The River
2006-02-10 New mining policy in three months: Minister
2006-02-09 India hotbed of mining
2006-02-08 Govt's Balco exit plan might delay
2006-02-05 Rampant pollution and state inaction forces farmers to attack and kill a miner in Goa
2006-01-19 India Update
2006-01-19 Possible legal action on Kalinganagar
2006-01-19 India Update
2006-01-19 Mumbai protests against the Orissa killing
2006-01-18 India's Recycled Aluminium Demand Expected to Surge
2006-01-17 8216;Outsiders stoking fire’
2006-01-15 Memorandum Submitted At The Orissa Nivas Protest Demonstration
2006-01-13 Fatal Clash at Mill Site Shows Perils of India's Rise
2006-01-12 Sources: The Stranded “london” Whale: All Uk News Media, 21-22/1/2006; London Evening St
2006-01-09 Kalinganagar Update
2006-01-09 The Stand Of Bisthpan Birodhi Jan Manch, As Reflected In Their Letter To The Orissa State Pollution
2006-01-09 By Dr Acharya's Letter To The President
2006-01-05 Blood on Many Hands: URGENT ALERT re Kalinganagar massacre
2005-12-17 Vedanta Plans $2.1 Billion Smelter
2005-12-15 Mining away Orissa's wealth!
2005-12-15 Forest Rights Dharna Successful in First Days
2005-12-09 For More Information On The Escr-net Corporate Accountability Working Group, We Encourage You To Vis
2005-12-09 Two demonstrations against Vedanta - in one week
2005-12-09 Two demonstrations against Vedanta - in one week
2005-12-09 Human Rights And Extractive Industry
2005-12-09 Joint Ngo Report On Human Rights And The Extractive Industry & Consultations
2005-12-09 Human Rights and extractive industry
2005-12-05 Tribals’ protest against Vedanta
2005-11-22 India Update
2005-11-22 Diamond Mining Plans of De Beers, Rio Tinto Hit
2005-11-22 INDIA UPDATE
2005-11-19 Jindal Steel signs pact with S. African, German cos
2005-11-19 73 FDI Proposals Approved in Mining Sector
2005-11-15 Mines of Conflict
2005-11-15 Agarwal accused of violating Armenian laws - while Vedanta continues its rampages through India
2005-11-15 Agarwal Accused Of Violating Armenian Laws
2005-11-15 7th November 2005:
2005-11-14 Posco May Miss Deal Deadline
2005-11-11 Jharkhand to check operation areas of coal companies
2005-11-10 Greens see red over proposed mining near Karlapat sanctuary
2005-11-08 Gathering protests over tribals' eviction in Jharkhand
2005-11-03 Appendix:
2005-10-20 UK company faces yet another indictment in India
2005-10-19 How The World's Leading Financial Daily Fell Out Of Love With The Truth
2005-10-18 London Calling! October 18 2005
2005-10-18 London Calling - October 18 2005
2005-10-15 How big business gets away with environmental violations
2005-10-15 Well-known India environmental activist, Nityanand Jayaraman, rehearses the Vedanta scandal in Oriss
2005-10-12 Zambia's miners paying the price
2005-09-26 Demand for Chief Minister's resignation over Vedanta scandal
2005-09-26 As news circulates of the Indian Supreme Court CEC's rejection of Vedanta's grandiose schemes in Ori
2005-09-24 Press Release: SC Committee Says No to Vedanta/Sterlite’s Orissa Refinery
2005-09-21 Indian Supreme Court committee condemns Vedanta's Orissa projects
2005-09-21 Indian Supreme Court committee condemns Vedanta's Orissa projects
2005-08-29 An Iron Grip Descends On India
2005-08-29 An iron grip descends on India
2005-08-18 Former mining secretary to face CVC probe on irregularities in awarding contracts
2005-08-09 Indigenous Peoples Day: Riches Out From Under India's Orissa Tribals
2005-08-09 Anti-Vedanta youths sneak into Assembly
2005-08-07 Youths disturb House
2005-08-07 Youths cause flutter in Orissa Assembly
2005-08-07 We call in on Vedanta at its AGM to find it hoisted by its own petards
2005-08-07 Chief Minister admits that Vedanta contravened FCA, 1980
2005-08-07 London Calling - August 7 2005
2005-08-02 Vedanta: UK Company Accused of Multiple Violations
2005-07-25 Panel Indicts Chemplast, MALCO for pollution, human rights violations
2005-06-25 A news report from India's IANS news service confirms that indigenous families forced off their land
2005-06-24 BALCO rejects land grab allegations
2005-06-24 British company accused of "tyrrany" and land grab in India
2005-06-24 British company accused of "tyrrany" and land grab in India
2005-06-18 'Development' not for tribes in India
2005-06-15 quot;Kalahandi district collector Saswat Mishra, instead of coming to people's aid, is acting as a
2005-05-27 London Calling! May 27 2005
2005-05-27 London Calling - May 29 2005
2005-05-12 Setback to Vedanta: Petition against Central Empowered Committee rejected
2005-04-30 London Calling - April 30 2005
2005-04-30 London Calling! April 30 2005
2005-04-20 The battle for bauxite in Orissa
2005-03-18 Nod to Bauxite refinery raises questions
2005-03-14 Press Release - mm&P: mines, minerals & PEOPLE
2005-03-04 Vedanta: Bad Pennies keep turning up
2005-03-04 Dr Mutesa Questions Vedanta Deal in Zambia
2005-03-04 Dr Mutesa Questions Vedanta Deal
2005-02-10 Vedanta plans Rs 7,000-cr aluminium smelter in Orissa
2005-01-24 Vannessa to seek international arbitration for Crucitas if necessary
2005-01-24 Vannessa to seek international arbitration for Crucitas if necessary
2005-01-15 Reign of terror in Kashipur - People pay the price as the CM wants to inaugurate UAIL Plant in Janua
2005-01-14 In a statement of appalling insensitivity towards the victims, some Indian scientists have expressed
2005-01-12 Meanwhile, the world's largest mining company, BHPBilliton, has stepped in to the disputed area, j
2005-01-12 SC team opposes mining in two areas in Orissa
2005-01-11 Supreme Court opposes mining in Orissa
2005-01-11 Indigenous communities get Supreme Court backing
2005-01-07 Quarrying made Kanyakumari coast vulnerable'
2005-01-02 One of India's major nuclear power plants was profoundly affected by the tsunamis, and many employee
2005-01-02 Tsunami underlines importance of CRZ
2004-12-30 London Calling! December 30 2004
2004-12-30 London Calling - December 30 2004
2004-12-29 Mining companies untouched by tsunamis
2004-12-29 Coming next month: brand new coastal rules
2004-12-27 Human activities contributed to tsunami's ravages: environmental expert
2004-12-16 Fax Message received from Rayagada from the All left and Progressive party delegation
2004-12-16 Press statement from mines, minerals and People
2004-12-15 Leadership dissuades people from confronting Police on 7th Dec. to avoid bloodshed. Police terror co
2004-12-12 Court Annuls Gold Mining Concession
2004-12-10 Court Stops Northern Gold Mine
2004-12-06 London Calling! December 6 2004
2004-12-06 London Calling Urgent Alert - December 6 2004
2004-12-06 Open Letter to Shri Navin Patnaik, Chief Minister of Orissa
2004-12-05 From An Observer In The Vedanta Area (december 5th 2004):
2004-12-04 A murky deal
2004-12-01 Brutal Police Action On Agitating Tribals In Kashipur
2004-11-29 "Shocking revelations" and an "horrific breakdown of governance" in Orissa
2004-11-29 Kashipur Update 16/12/2004
2004-11-29 quot;Shocking revelations" and an "horrific breakdown of governance" in Orissa
2004-11-25 J B Patnaik meets President, PM on bauxite mining
2004-11-21 British-based Vedanta last week chalked up its first profits since its launch on the London Stock E
2004-11-21 Vedanta allegations go to Indian President
2004-11-19 India's Supreme Court Panel Cracks Down on Hazardous Waste
2004-11-03 Vedanta's Orissa prospects threatened with the boot
2004-11-03 Vedanta's Orissa prospects threatened with the boot
2004-11-03 Opposition seeks CBI probe into mining deal
2004-11-03 Orissa CM injured in Assembly fracas
2004-10-27 Congress alleges kickback in alumina plant deal
2004-10-10 Vedanta Alumina gets mining rights for Lanjigarh project
2004-10-10 London Calling! October 10 2004
2004-10-10 London Calling - October 10 2004
2004-09-17 Vedanta on another rampage in India
2004-09-15 London Calling! September 15 2004
2004-09-15 London Calling - September 15 2004
2004-08-27 London Calling! August 27 2004
2004-08-27 London Calling - August 27 2004
2004-08-27 London Calling Publisher
2004-08-25 Sterlite To Set Up Steel Plant In Orissa
2004-08-18 Posco & BHP Billiton have big plans in Orissa
2004-08-08 A Struggle To Save Niyamgiri Forests
2004-07-30 I wasn't too greedy says head of Vedanta
2004-07-30 Financial Times; July 30, 2004
2004-07-30 Not such a fair wind for Fowle
2004-07-30 Some Press Coverage of the Vedanta meeting is below:-
2004-07-30 Not such a fair wind for Fowle - Review of Vedanta AGM
2004-07-21 London Calling! July 21 2004
2004-07-21 London Calling - July 21 2004
2004-07-09 London Calling! July 9 2004
2004-07-09 London Calling - July 9 2004
2004-06-04 London Calling - June 4 2004
2004-06-04 London Calling! June 4 2004
2004-06-02 London Calling - June 2 2004
2004-06-02 London Calling! June 2 2004
2004-05-25 London Calling - May 25 2004
2004-04-15 The radical Indian weekly, Frontline, has over many years adopted uncompromising positions in suppo
2004-04-15 Nuclear power project in India is "anti-people"
2004-04-15 An anti-people project
2004-04-12 Asia's upcoming nuclear power plants spark fierce competition among global equipment makers
2004-03-30 Indian Tribals Protest At The Proposed Strerlite-vedanta & Uail Projects In Orissa
2004-03-30 Indian tribals protest at the proposed Sterlite-Vedanta & UAIL projects in Orissa
2004-03-15 India: Hindu Nationalism and Orissa: Minorities As Other
2004-03-11 Articles on Indian companies' overseas ambitions
2004-03-02 Vedanta In A Bear Hug, Scrip Falls 12%
2004-02-26 London Calling! February 26 2004
2004-02-26 London Calling - February 26 2004
2004-02-24 Sterlite May Buy Govt's 49% Stake In Balco
2004-02-24 Vedanta Plans To Hike Sterlite Stake To 75%
2004-02-24 Vedanta May Offer Swap To Sterlite Shareholders
2004-02-23 The Vedanta threat increases
2004-02-23 The Vedanta Threat Increases
2004-02-23 Vedanta To Consolidate India Operations
2004-02-10 Satyagraha Yatra: Finished Yatra In Kalahandi Region In Orissa
2004-02-10 Violation of Human Rights by Sterlite Company
2004-02-09 Niyam Raja: Tribal Villages Bulldozed as the Shadow of Vedanta Looms over One of the Most Sacred Mou
2004-02-09 Tribal Villages Bulldozed as the Shadow of Vedanta Looms over One of the Most Sacred Mountains in Or
2004-01-17 An industry dedicated to deception - presentation to World Social Forum
2004-01-10 A London Calling Special - January 10 2004
2004-01-10 Vedanta - the panto! A London Calling special - January 10 2004
2003-12-01 Sources: Launch of Vedanta IPO: Financial Times (FT) 5/12/2003; Hedge funds buying Vedanta: FT 6-7
2003-11-30 London Calling - November 30 2003
2003-11-30 London Calling! November 30 2003
2003-10-15 India: The Rising Threat From Communalists And Corporations
2003-10-15 Orissa: A Gujarat In The Making
2003-10-15 India: the rising threat from communalists and corporations
2003-10-15 Mock Letter: An Appeal Favoring Peoples Right Over Natural Resources
2002-11-21 British company accused in Indian scandals
2001-05-15 Impact of Posco port is under study
2001-05-10 References
2001-05-01 Background to Lakshmi Mittal: Chairman and CEO of Mittal Steel
2001-05-01 Cbi Cry In Green Case
2001-05-01 Those following recent events around the activities in India of the British company, Vedanta, alrea
2001-05-01 Chhattisgarh Maoists call for economic blockade, police on alert
2001-05-01 Report of the Visit of the SCMC to Tamilnadu September 20-22, 2004
2001-05-01 India's Supreme Court Panel Cracks Down on Hazardous Waste
2001-05-01 Occupational Injuries and Deaths at Sterlite.

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