MAC: Mines and Communities

Latin American Update

Published by MAC on 2006-02-06


6th February 2006

Editorial comment: Brazil is about to open up new frontier areas to foreign mining companies. Rio Tinto, which has pressured the government for more than a decade to "streamline" its mining legislation, will be among the first to benefit.

Brazil's new accord with Venezuela will bring it massive coal supplies from Indigenous territory across the border: a prospect vigorously protested at last month's World Social Forum held in Caracas.

Canadas' Barrick - now the world's biggest gold miner - expects to get a permit for its vast Pascua Lama mine, before the new Chilean president, Michelle Batchelet, is inaugurated in March. But the Association of Manitoba Chiefs, in solidarity with the Diaguita people, is pledged to vigorously oppose the project.

Following the recent mining accord between Chile and Argentina other mining companies, including Rio Tinto and Teck Cominco, are also hoping to grab further concessions.

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