MAC: Mines and Communities

US Update

Published by MAC on 2006-09-20

US Update

20th September 2006

How much longer will the Bush regime resist the overwhelming evidence that its pro-industry politicies are consigning, not just the planet but people and biosphere of the US itself to a climate hell?

According to recent research domestic renewable sources of energy are abundant; another study concludes that implementing existing Clean Energy legislation would create more than half a million new jobs.

Yet, although last year's federal energy bill included $4.5 billion in tax credits for renewable energy and energy efficiency, it earmaked more than half as much again to promote fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Meanie-turned-Greenie governor, the redoutable Arnold Schwarzenegger, is making good his vow that California will become the flagship state in combating global warming. His attorney general has just filed cases against six US and Japanese auto makers, accusing them of harming California's environment and economy.

Another state, Indiana, is embarking on a review of the contribution by its capital city, Indianpolis , to the "urban heat effect". But while concrete/cement, asphalt and brick have been identified as major culprits, so far the authorities do not appear to be significantly reducing the use of these materials.

Last week we reported the degree to which the world's biggest environmental protection agency is failing, under the Bush administration, to perform its obligations. Now another accusation is made that the EPA that it is failing its "environmental justice" obligations by not properly reviewing the impacts of its actions on minority and low-income populations.

These are, of course, usually the first to suffer from the impacts of mining and mineral processing.

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