MAC: Mines and Communities


Italy has 41 articles

2019-09-24 Pope Francis re-invigorates opposition to disastrous mining
2019-05-14 Pope calls for mining to ensure integral human development
2014-01-09 Yale Refuses to Revoke Stephan Schmidheiny's Honorary Degree
2013-10-02 Italians call on Yale to strip disgraced environmentalist of honorary degree
2013-06-06 Appeals court sharpens Schmidheiny sentence
2013-01-07 Are we all going to climate hell in a handcart?
2012-10-16 Italian court imposes clean-up deadline on cement plant
2012-10-02 ILVA steel "clean-up" plan booted out by Italian judge
2012-09-24 Europe's largest steel plant founders on pollution charges
2012-02-20 World's biggest asbestos trial sees two billionaires sentenced to prison
2011-08-08 Nuclear: too hot to handle
2011-07-11 Italian court seeks 20-year terms for asbestos poisoners
2011-05-02 ThyssenKrupp's Italian CEO convicted of homicide
2009-12-14 Turin trial opens over asbestos deaths
2009-01-26 Can gold survive?
2008-01-15 Europe's steel lobby issues threat with global implications
2007-06-15 Energy, Smelly Farms and Spotted Owls
2007-06-15 US update
2007-06-15 US Senate Set to Act on Renewable Utility Plan
2007-06-15 US update
2007-06-14 Protesters force Caterpillar to cut annual meeting short
2007-06-13 Protesters decry Caterpillar's support of CO2 limits
2007-06-11 Good Samaritans Can Clean Orphan Mines Without Liability
2007-06-11 Illinois Clean Coal Power Plant Wins First Permit
2007-03-15 Another atrocity in West Bengal
2007-03-15 Tata's exit from social responsibility
2007-03-15 Tata's exit from social responsibility
2007-03-14 Ratan Tata: One of India's most powerful magnates on social responsibility
2006-09-21 Uranium threat to Italy
2006-09-21 Uranium threat to Italy
2006-09-21 Italian Green Activists Oppose Uranium Plan
2006-08-23 India Update
2005-12-10 1 According to Eternit, medical care is costing the company US$270 per person per month.
2005-12-10 In 2004 a detailed report on the corporate crimes of Eternit was delivered at a conference organised
2005-12-10 The Scheme of Plunder
2005-12-10 The Scheme of Plunder
2005-12-10 1 Siam City Cement is a subsidiary of Holcim, the Swiss multinational cement firm.
2003-08-03 Access to courts for corporate accountability: recent developments
2003-01-15 Corporate accountability: why?

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